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440 Forums _ Plug-Ins and Virtual Instruments _ Virtual Guitarist 2 ~ Believable Country Rhythm?

Écrit par : heywilbur dim. 26 nov. 2006, 03:27

hey folks...

new here... 20+ yrs. in Nashville, with some cuts, etc, etc... been away under a rock for 7 years, now checking out computer based recording and demos. I'm a keyboard player, used to program drums + bass and used to make very good demos, but always had to wrangle up a guitar player.

Good leads I'm not worried about... finding BELIEVABLE rhythm acoustic STRUMMING guitars though is HUGE and really important to me. I need straight forward on-time but NOT MACHINE-LIKE rhythm parts. Think anywhere between George Straight and Eagles... wall of sound stuff.... even if its mixed back.

Will VG2 work for me? The couple demos I've heard didn't really address country/ rhythm/ acoustic...
I just dont wanna waste time (much less money) on something that's disappointing, etc. Timing (obviously) shouldn't be a prob... unless it's TOO perfect... gotta have some human feel going on... as much as possible. This sounds like a dream come true, but If its not believable I can't use it.

I know this is very subjective but any help is appreciated.. thanks ;o)


Écrit par : eliasbats mar. 5 déc. 2006, 02:24

I have worked with Virtual Guitarist and Virtual Guitarist Electric Edition and I was suprised with the realism of the guitars each time I used them. I believe the new version 2 will be even better. Steinberg has managed to make a collection of very different guitar sounds and guitar playing. Version 2 has that part editing thing, which allows you to make your own riffs, I think.. Definetely worth the money (~$130 academic version).

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