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440 Forums _ Tascam _ Tascam Us-224

Écrit par : bigbandan dim. 2 oct. 2005, 05:39

Help! I was using panther the tascam worked fine with it; then I switched up to Tiger. However my Tascam us-224 refuses to work with it and I have supposedly tascam's newest drivers... ouch and I have a remote recording due on tuesday. Of course today is sunday, no tech help...

Écrit par : lepetitmartien dim. 2 oct. 2005, 15:17

Have you done already the basics repairs for OS X?

- repair permissions
- optimise system full
- scripts daily, weekly, monthly
- clean out caches

(use OnyX for example)

Are there some old prefs files around for the interface? If so, trash them.

Is your Tiger in 10.4.0, 1 or 2?

Écrit par : bigbandan dim. 2 oct. 2005, 18:14

I have noted that that US-122's are also having problems with Tiger. So I will call tech. I am not sure what you meant regarding a few things. How do I clear caches? I am using OS 10.4.2 very updated. What is OnyX? I am very much a MAC newbie about a week. Inherited a powerbook G-4 1.33 gig with 768 meg from my daughter otherwise I have been on the PC for about 20 years. I am doing music - obviously with the tascam us-224.

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