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440 Forums _ Wanna Hear Some Music? _ Seattle Rising:the Hidden Hot Bed Of Electronic, Noise, And Experimental

Écrit par : seattle mac music shows mer. 9 janv. 2008, 13:02

My theory is this was a direct result of the grunge backlash.... Link though this latest live flyer to the my space page and check out all the crazy sounds coming out now..
My picks: LAMP/CC, 100 peices, empty zen,.i could go on... just check it out you will be hearing something new for sure.

ALSO, L.A.M.P/Cursed Chimera's new free album is now up on

I noticed that if you are enjoying the AWESOME bumper music on adult swim, like Plaid, LFO, squarepusher, AFX, etc.. you guys will dig this guy...He has free music for you and he also plays out like a mad man. "L.A.M.P/Cursed Chimera". He is an innovator and tough to label like all the good music is when it starts out. but in the same vein as what you are hearing on the in between music on Adult swim... so ENJOY... :-)

Thought you all might enjoy this next show if you are in the Seattle area (god! don't even think grunge!!!) It looks like he was added to this line up due to high demand. you can click on the add to take you to this guys myspace page. Pretty Hawt !!

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