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440 Forums _ Wanna Hear Some Music? _ Remix Competition Winners Announced!

Écrit par : microwavesounds sam. 15 sept. 2007, 17:23

Worldwide knob-twisters - Respect!

"The Sound Of No Good" Remix Competition exceeded my most frivolous expectations. We had an amazing response from the international music producers community with over 250 sample pack downloads and nearly 90 submission entries by an incredible diverse group of musicians inhabiting all the five continents. Choosing a winner proved an incredibly difficult task due to the vast range of genre orientations and top level production quality. However I am pleased to announce that we have now changed the original specification of the remix contest and decided to award not just one but a whole 3 winners.

First Place Joint Award:

Johannes Ahlberg (Sweden)
Montelic (Australia)

Second Place:

Topper (Germany)

The winning entries would be featured in the upcoming HorsePlay Records release "The Rework Of No Good" expected to surface at the end of 2007. This double vinyl would include an exciting blend of established electronica virtuosos and fresh new talent. Keep checking this space for more information.

Congratulations to all competition winners and big thanks to everyone that took part in this remix project. The winning entries are now available for limited time preview through the myspace music player - Enjoy!

I would also like to express my respect for the amazing work of the following producers:

Matias muten
Ivel Tax
Abstract Iv's Helium
Melvin Bizarre
Astral Navigations
Acid Warriors
Muzikal Azylum
Maciek Woznica

You really made it difficult for me to choose a competition winner. Keep the good work and please send your demos to or post a CD with your music to:

HorsePlay Records
8 Oswyth Road


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