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440 Forums _ Samplers _ Help W/ Mpc 2000 / Motu828 / Logic

Écrit par : krsboz mar. 24 févr. 2004, 04:08

it seems like i'm almost there, but i can't get my MPC 2000 crankin'...

i'm straight midi in/out from the AKAI thru my MOTU, but when
i try to install the device in the control surface prefence - first it
shows itself as a Teac 428 - and then I'm told that it can't be
fully recognized...??

if i go ahead with it, i'm getting midi in lights on my MOTU when i hit
the pads on the AKAI, but no sounds. that's problem number two.

i'm stuck - has anyone out there done this sucessfully that can share
some wisdom? i'd much appreciate it.....

thanks in advance,


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