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440 Forums _ Digital _ Problems with Alesis QS8 MIDI

Écrit par : Goya jeu. 27 déc. 2001, 16:38

I have been trying to get my Alesis Qs8 to work with my G4, Audiophile 2496, and Cubase. Everyone seems to be behaving right, except for the Alesis, which won't seem to 'let go' of the sound. I can get midi tracks to show up in Cubase played from the keyboard, but the only way you can hear them is from the headphone jack on the Alesis!!! I have OMS setup right and get the 'MIDI received' sound when I hit the keyboard, but in Cubase the sound won't route to the soundcard, but only back to the Alesis.

Very frustrating. I'm just better with computers than keyboards and don't know if I have an incorrect setting on the QS8. It was suggested that I use the equivalent of 'Local Off', but that doesn't seem to work either.

I must admit I'm a real newbie at this stuff but gotta start somewhere. Any music experimentations are off until I can figure out this problem cause it makes me so dern mad!!! Thanks for all advice and assistance.

Écrit par : kaboombahchuck dim. 30 déc. 2001, 00:52

Do you have the audio out of the keyboard hooked into the audio in of your mac?

Écrit par : Goya mer. 2 janv. 2002, 22:00

Yes, but I don't see what that would have to do with the MIDI signal.
If you are suggesting that the audio out/in is interfering with the
MIDI than I can give it a shot unhooking the audio cables.

Is this what you meant?

Écrit par : kaboombahchuck jeu. 3 janv. 2002, 01:07

No. I was just making sure everything was hooked up. Sometimes when Alesis products start acting wierd they need to be re-initialized. I'm not sure if this is the case with the Qs8, but it might be worth looking into. But with the resent financial woes of Alesis that might be a tall order. Good luck.

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