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440 Forums _ Digital _ Korg M3r - Akai Me15f

Écrit par : divan sam. 27 nov. 2004, 13:00

maybe someone out there has some usefull information about these 2 pieces of hardware i recently got.
first i got a synth: m3r korg - incl. manuals (so i'm not completely lost by using this piece).
question: is there any software out there for editing this synth. i could do it directly on the synth, but hey i'm more the visual type of user - so a little 2lines display and 10 buttons with around 3 funtions each drives me crazy) i know there is some kind of hardware controller for this synth but i cant get one ...

if there is any sw ... it should run on os9.2.2 on a PB G3 333mhz.

the other thing i got (as a present) is an akai me15f midi dynamics controller without manual - i'm not shure if i'll ever need this thing, cause at the moment i'm fine with my usb-2-midi 2i/2o from steinberg.
any hints what this midi thing is good for?


Écrit par : fractured.logic dim. 28 nov. 2004, 06:31

I have an akai me15f controller and I don't really use it for very much anymore. Back in the day when I had an outboard sequencer it was usefull for playing with the volume of a midi channel, but with software sequencers these days, you can just use a slider. Basically, I use it to change the volume of a channel as I am composing (it's a lot easier to tweak a knob in my rig than it is to point and click).

Good luck with your m3r. That is a sweet module!

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