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440 Forums _ Monitoring _ Samson Monitors

Écrit par : greeneye jeu. 28 avril 2005, 22:29

Hi, can anyone tell me the difference between the samson resolov 80a's and their next level rubicon series. There is hardly any word on them to be found on the web. This would be much appreciated as I'm a complete novice all I know is that the rubicons because they use 'ribbon' for their cones it means they do not colour the sound which I prefer. but as I say havn't gotta clue, thanks

Écrit par : mrgrimm ven. 29 avril 2005, 05:21

i second that and i would love to hear something
about their bass as there is nothing about it
on the net afaik.

Écrit par : bufflo sam. 30 avril 2005, 03:11

Well, I don't know much about them, but they have them at my local music store. So I listened to them, and I was a bit surprised. They're nothing like the other Samson monitors. The treble is very clear and detailed, the image did feel kind of "collected", but not narrow in a bad sense. Since I'm about to buy some monitors in that price range, I'll be going back there soon with my own music and listen again.

Écrit par : mrgrimm sam. 30 avril 2005, 03:18

so what about the bass?

Écrit par : lepetitmartien sam. 30 avril 2005, 03:34

Ribbons are great, but have other problems (more prone to failure, sensible to shocks). The sweet spot can be smaller too if i remember well.

If you want to be surprised listen to some ADAM speakers one day, Since I did, I want a pair one day… rolleyes.gif But it's aimed at a higher market anyway.

Keep us informed bufflo, always good to have some input outside the press wink.gif

Écrit par : greeneye sam. 30 avril 2005, 15:42

Thanks bufflo, keep me informed when you have a listen as I cannot get near any monitors where I'm from and I dread having to trust someone in retail over the phone without enough info. Also in response to what both you and lepetitmartien mention about the stereo imaging, the add for the samsons says that they provide "unbelievable stereo imaging" which was one of the reasons that first attracted me to them, so it would be great to hear how they sound bufflo with your music. But, as regards mrgrimm's point it would also be good to have comparison between the resolv 80a's bass and the rubicon's as this would be the clincher for me. Cheers again everyone, you're helping me loads.

Écrit par : lepetitmartien dim. 1 mai 2005, 01:39

Resolv 80 got a good review in Sound on Sound, but I've still to hear them…

Ribbons are especially good at fast transients, so you bring up more details, clearer image, smaller sweet spot though, on the ADAMs it's even "disturbing" the level of detail, fascinating monitors. Not to everyone taste though.

I'd really like to know more about the Samson/ribbons, as their position in the market could change things a lot. There's many "sounding like a bad hi-fi" monitors in the home-studio end of the market, and bring some quality would do this good. (in clear : lots of "I want to be a NS10 but I don't have the guts to sound as crap" and not enough "chirurgicallly flat and as unbiased as possible" -in the limits of price/technique)

There's a lot of new monitors around, it'd be good if every one could share his experiences.

Écrit par : bufflo mar. 10 mai 2005, 09:38

Okay, so I finally checked out the Rubicons again, brought a cd of songs I know well with me to the store. I did an A/B with them and other monitors in the same price range.

The Rubicon's treble is very bright and sparkly, it really came through on acoustic material, as well as expensive preamp/mic vocals. The low mids are kind of lacking, so maybe that's a testament to the curve being flat (and you're supposed to use it with a sub with a high crossfreq)?

They would be interesting monitors to own for sure, but I won't buy them for two reasons. I'm a producer/songwriter more than an engineer, so when I write I want to feel those low mids that kind of push the song in the right direction. I didn't feel any of that with the Rubicons, they weren't breathing down there.

The second thing is the sweet spot, it's very precise. Turn your head the slightest, and the sound is totally different. Move back a bit, and it sounds like crap. I guess ribbon speakers just aren't for me, the made me feel trapped. I wouldn't be able to use them as my primary monitors, but for anyone looking for something different they're definitely worth checking out.

Écrit par : lepetitmartien mar. 10 mai 2005, 23:20

Thanks for the feedback! smile.gif
i should really check them out biggrin.gif

Was it the 5A or 6A?

Écrit par : bufflo mer. 11 mai 2005, 17:53

The 6's. I'm getting the Rokit8's, god knows how they will sound in my room, but you've got to start somewhere...

Écrit par : lepetitmartien mer. 11 mai 2005, 19:36

Monitor not too loud, close to the monitors, and make a few placement experiments along with some basic proofing (blankets, curtains, auralex foam…). A room you live into will do usually better than a box without furniture. wink.gif

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