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440 Forums _ Mixing Desks _ Radio Playing...on My Mixer?

Écrit par : Oybunny ven. 30 janv. 2004, 21:32

Sometimes, when I'm passing a signal through my mixer I hear ... random radio stations - faintly - but they're there, and that is you might imagine, a bit stinky for purposes of recording.

Does anyone know what might cause this interference? Is it a grounding problem?

Please help!


Écrit par : nate d ven. 30 janv. 2004, 22:14

What type of signal are you passing through the mixer? Tube amplifiers sometimes pick up radio stations...every now and then I get some Gospel station coming through my amp!

Écrit par : lepetitmartien ven. 30 janv. 2004, 22:40

A ground loop, a dry solder joint…

Check all connections (unplug/plug) until you've isolated the offender. Remember it may be inside the mixer…

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