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440 Forums _ Mixing Desks _ Mackie Onyx 1640 W/firewire In/out

Écrit par : Gojinx mar. 15 mars 2005, 15:51

Has anyone test driven the Mackie ONYX 1640 with the firewire output card. I 'm putting together a mid priced studio setup based around a dual 2.5 G5 and Logic.
Any feedback would be much appreciated.

All the Best!

Écrit par : jbsound-com jeu. 7 avril 2005, 06:34


I haven't personally used them but everyone I know that has one really likes them. This is what I know about them so far:

- They sound better by far than the older vlz mackie stuff.
- The firewire output is pre-EQ and just about eveything else. This is good because when recording you want to take in the purest signal possible. You can probably eq better with a software eq than what the mackie can do. Plus, if you're in a live situation, you can EQ as necessary and you don't have to worry about screwing up your recorded signal.
- The A/D converters on it are very respectable
- The preamps on it are the best in the price range for that board

Overall, I think that they are well liked by everyone that has one. I think it's about time that someone came out with that kind of functionality at a good price.

Écrit par : dubpl8s lun. 25 avril 2005, 06:47

I have had a 1620 for awhile and its the BOMB!
- it sounds awsome live
- its ultra flexible
- hella convenient
- etc.........
only thing that sucks is live situations where you dont need a mixer but you need an interface

Écrit par : jbsound-com lun. 25 avril 2005, 06:52

What do you think about the pre's and the eq? How flexible is the software and how easy is it to hook up and use?

Écrit par : Gojinx lun. 25 avril 2005, 20:56

"only thing that sucks is live situations where you dont need a mixer but you need an interface"

How so? Too big for just a few needed inputs into a computer?

What software are you using with it to record? Using core audio? Problems with latencey?


Écrit par : dubpl8s mar. 26 avril 2005, 00:26

Yes it is pretty big, for example i played at a house party last week in a really cramped space and I had to stick my onyx under my keyboard stand!

- The Eq is really nice you can cut highs but it still has a nice airy sound. my only beef is sometimes the resonance in the mids seems a bit high

- I am using logic pro 7 with no latency or core audio problems

- I like the pre-everything approach cause I would rather have as pure a signal as possible.

Écrit par : jbsound-com mar. 26 avril 2005, 05:48


I think that the the best thing they did on that board was make the firewire sends "pre" everything. I would much rather have a pure signal for recording than have it go through all the other eq's, etc.

How are the preamps on the board? I've had a lot of guys telling me that they are way better than the older mackie stuff.

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