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440 Forums _ Software on MacOS X _ Bias Deck 3.5 Compared To Logic Platinum

Écrit par : tokyoroland jeu. 12 sept. 2002, 06:59

I was looking into Bias Deck 3.5 ( for osx of course ) and it looked great, and only at $400. So what's the difference between this program and Logic
platinum? I've looked at the specks. Is there something i'm missing here?

Does bias deck lack something huge? I just want something perfect for sequencing with my Roland xp30 and film scoring. Would Bias Deck be sufficient for film scoring and be in sync with quicktime video like Logic would? please help...

Écrit par : formatj jeu. 12 sept. 2002, 08:50

The major difference between the two programs is that Logic, apart from working as an audio sequencer also supports MIDI sequencing (which you will need if you want to record and edit MIDI events from your xp30, send program changes to it etc...). It also supports Virtual Instruments.

Bias Deck is a multi track audio editor/sequencer with no MIDI sequencing capabilities, no virtual instrument support.

Personally I think Logic Audio Platinum is the most important item in my studio and would definitely recommend it if you can afford it.

So to answer your question, Bias Deck does lack something huge; MIDI sequencing and Virtual Instrument support.

Écrit par : formatj jeu. 12 sept. 2002, 09:28

You can also actually download a trial of Bias Deck from
You can then decide whether it does what you need.
It may support some basic MIDI features such as import MIDI files etc.

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