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440 Forums _ Software on MacOS X _ MIDI From OS9 Classic To OSX

Écrit par : airforceguitar jeu. 14 avril 2005, 02:16

I have several "Classic" MIDI apps (ear training, notation, sequencing, etc.) but haven't figured out how to get the MIDI to work. I would especially like to get my ear training software (Hearmaster OS9)to send MIDI to my sequencers' (Logic Express 7 OSX) virtual instruments, and maybe respond to a MIDI controller. blink.gif

Écrit par : lepetitmartien ven. 15 avril 2005, 02:15

The easiest way and the only I know of is to have one MIDI interface used by OS X, the other by Classic and move the MIDI data out and back in again… blink.gif

Écrit par : arvidtp ven. 15 avril 2005, 05:59

there seems to be only one way:

used to work / not work for me sometimes, so i never bought it. It is a really weird program...but dont get your hopes up.

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