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440 Forums _ Software on MacOS X _

Écrit par : dversion mer. 16 janv. 2002, 16:56

Has anyone used Cubase/PTLE/Logic in Classic mode with OSX?

Wondering how well classic mode works.

Any bugs?

How much slower?

I am still scared and sticking with 9.1.


Écrit par : Silverlode mer. 16 janv. 2002, 17:28

Uhh...that ain't gonna work.

I know that Digidesign specifically states that Pro Tools won't work in Classic mode in OS X. I don't know for sure about Cubase or Logic, but I would be very surprised if they worked. The translation of audio events and code is way too complicated.

Don't be afraid to try, though. Just boot up OS X and start one of these apps...see what happens. It's not going to break anything. You'll just get some errors or the app will open w/o audio or something.

Écrit par : finrock jeu. 17 janv. 2002, 04:47

Cubase won't run under classic either.



Écrit par : DigitMus jeu. 17 janv. 2002, 07:12

I believe the OS X compatible version of Deck is available at Bias's website, but I haven't checked yet. I DID download the free OS X native version of TC Works Spark - haven't played with it yet, though.


Écrit par : Neekau jeu. 17 janv. 2002, 11:51

i tried reason with classic, there's no way to work with....

Écrit par : stuartwyatt mer. 23 janv. 2002, 23:05

Quote: from Neekau on Jan. 17, 2002 - 11:51[br]i tried reason with classic, there's no way to work with....

They are aware of that. I have just checked out the site, and REASON FOR OSX IS FINISHED!!! With a latency of just 1ms (same as hardware audio!)....

They are going to unveil it at a show pretty shortly smile.gif

IMHO, I think that nothing music wise works in OSX in classic mode - Certainly none of the apps that I have tried. Only Spark and PeakDV are available in native format.

Give it another 6 months though, and it *will* be a different matter.

Écrit par : brownbox mar. 5 févr. 2002, 12:03

Hey Does Anyone have a Cubase Crysal Ball That can predict  when the upgrade to OSX is gonna happen? Is It going to be free? But most importantly, when, when, whee-een????

Écrit par : Didick mer. 27 févr. 2002, 20:21


A Steinberg technician said me that Cubase VST will be ready in july 2002....

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