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440 Forums _ Software on MacOS X _ Mac OS X

Écrit par : prutulz mar. 13 mars 2001, 15:57

As you may know, at the end of this month, Apple with launch MacOS X, the new MacOS.

Did you notice that no announcements was made about music making with this OS.

OMS, a vital element for midi communication IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH macOS X, and is no longer developped.
No replacement was even announced!
This mean NO MIDI (compatible with existing applications) on mac OS X.

Audio drivers will need to be rewritten to work in OSX, and reports show that the system sound interface (Sound manager) was not improved, or is even worse than the actual version....

It sounds like Apple completely forgets its musician customers base!
-itunes is a kind software, but it doesn't replace the needs for WORKING midi and audio application-



Écrit par : xfiles mar. 13 mars 2001, 16:32

you're right! :-(

A friend of mine, working close to Apple (cupertino) told me that (pro) music making is even not discussed in the OS X dev team.

iTunes for all!


(Edited by xfiles at Mar. 13, 2001 - 15:34)

Écrit par : wfplb mer. 14 mars 2001, 07:59

You are like virgins wink.gif
Remember USB story
MIDI is too has-been
and maby some people somewhere, by the bridge huh.gif
are thinking about that
don't worry be happy cool.gif

Écrit par : prutulz mer. 14 mars 2001, 14:37

I clearly remember USB:

USB is faster, smarter, and more convenient than serial BUT:
3 years after, Midi synchronisation still not work on USB: You have to put a stealth port to get a rock solid midi sync (with an old serial midi interface)
And it was just a hardware thing...

In 10 days, it would be a software thing.

I can bet you than in the 2 coming years, 80% of the musical softwares (except the major ones) won't work on OS X.

If as a result, we could get a faster midi, a unified plug-in architecture, a clever OS sound management (like windows DOES with activeX)....i would acept it as an evolution, but at this time, nothing is announced to be improved: We just hope that it will be compatible....

Not really funny huh.gif

Écrit par : abbie mer. 21 mars 2001, 18:19

Maybe FreeMIDI will save the day...

Personally I am staying away from OS X due to its high memory requirements.

Écrit par : Raymund Beyer sam. 24 mars 2001, 22:08

There will be a Midi solution for OS X. The guy that did OMS now is working for Apple.
But nobody know _when_ Midi will appear in OS X. As we all know, Applle doesn't care about musicians...


Écrit par : prutulz mer. 28 mars 2001, 14:46

Anyone tested OS X with Midi applications ?

Does something work?


Écrit par : DavidK jeu. 26 avril 2001, 16:26

According to  various beta-testing mailing-list of major editors (Emagic, Steinberg, Native-instrument,..), programmers all say the same things:

Yes OSX seems great, but  we won't develop something before Apple communicates us the standards about MIDI and Audio programming. At this time, there are no guidelines or API, and we won't waste our time and money to re-invent the wheel. So we are waiting.

Considering that adapting applications to this new OS is a major work, and that Apple just said nothing to programmers at this time, it will take a while before anything work on OSX to make music.
What will we do this summer, when OSX will be the only OS running on new macs.

Apple always had a leadership position in the music business, but with the PC market growing every days and no softwares compatible with OSX, what are we suppose to do in the next month: throw our macs and buy a PC...:(

Nobody at Apple care about the music market or what?

I'm really scared :(

David K.

Écrit par : marcmame jeu. 26 avril 2001, 22:32

This is not as bad as it seems.
Even when Apple will start shipping hardware with MacOS X pre-installed, don't forget that you still will be able to boot on MacOS9.1 to run all non X native software. This will be true for a looooong time ! So keep it easy guys... wink.gif

Écrit par : soif lun. 21 mai 2001, 17:10

According to, writer John Krogh (Keyboard Magazine) strongly recommended against musicians using Mac OS X.

Écrit par : prutulz lun. 21 mai 2001, 17:48 annouces sessions about audio & Midi in MacOS X, at the WWDC 2001

Let's hope :/

Écrit par : Cpt Horse sam. 26 mai 2001, 03:39

I dont use OS X or know anybody that does but.. my understanding is that you will be able to boot with classic OS so there wouldnt be a problem with using older software

I choose to upgrade only to OS 9 due to budget and with a G3 I dont think OS X would be much of an advantage.

Écrit par : Kaysha ven. 1 juin 2001, 03:22

Looking at my OS X core systems, I can see folders named 'ASIO' and other audio related folders, looks like some work is already in the way...

Écrit par : Kaysha ven. 1 juin 2001, 03:32

Look at this:

Écrit par : prutulz ven. 1 juin 2001, 14:54

thanks for the link!
it seems good !!! wink.gif

Let's see what hapen.....

Écrit par : Kaysha dim. 3 juin 2001, 05:19

Yeah thanks!
Looks like Mac OS X will also be midi and audio ready...
Let's wait a little...

Écrit par : mezu jeu. 12 juil. 2001, 13:12

From the maxmsp list today:
friendly zzz

Écrit par : MIDImodesitt ven. 9 déc. 2005, 08:34

Wow, no replies for years??

anyway.. now there is Tiger and there is core audio. Music souds best on Mac as always. All the good audio software is available on Mac. It's USB now, the days of the old school MIDI have ended.

Stay with Macs!!

Écrit par : lepetitmartien sam. 10 déc. 2005, 05:02

ushhhh never awaken threads that sleep deep wink.gif laugh.gif

And there's been talks about every other versions along the way wink.gif cool.gif

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