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440 Forums _ Peripherals _ Can I Make Hi-md And Mac's Work Together?

Écrit par : snooptrog ven. 1 oct. 2004, 21:45

I really want to buy a new HI-Md (I haven't yet). I've been waiting for months and I'm really angry.gif that they aren't compatible right out of the box. blink.gif How well do you think M-Audio's 'transit' adapter would work? I can hit play, but will I need to remake the track marks if I use this? (I'm afraid I would, but it's workable) Thanks for any input since I really want to figure something out, I've waited months already and want to order something!
talk to me,

Écrit par : aptmunich sam. 9 oct. 2004, 14:21

As far as I know, there are no drivers for MD devices under mac osx...

I suppose you could theoretically record tracks to your MD with the transit adapter, but then you'd lose all the advantages of Hi-MD, such as fast transfer speeds ("All transfers are done in real time.") and ease of use.

I'd look for a HD based player/recorder like one of the iriver devices...

Believe me, once you start transferring albums to your md player in real time, you'll get sick of it! (around 60 minutes per album...)

It would take days to fill up a Hi-MD disc!

Even better if you don't need the recording features: get an iPod wink.gif

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