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440 Forums _ Operating System and Other Apps _ Legacy Softwares

Écrit par : jeanclaudevanlee mar. 4 avril 2006, 14:46

I have PB 1.5 running OS X 10.3.9 and I'm a happy Logic 7 user... but still my favourites tools come from previouse era.
I cannot boot into OS 9 and unfortunatelly have to use Classic...

...and here come the problems. Midi works great using Midibridge application but audio has too large latency. I downloaded latest Prosoniq driver but it's still about 1 s. Definitely to large to make anything.

Does anyone know how to make performance better a bit? Can I optimize classic for that somehow? Is there any better with Tiger, adding more ram?

thanks for any help,

Écrit par : lepetitmartien mar. 4 avril 2006, 18:55

RAM to the max will always be better, now I don't know how much it'll help in this case. Also, having a dedicated partition (the fastest) on the HD for the virtual memory too.

In classic, it should be streamlined with only the stuff you need in it. But beware of extensions, some are necessary even if you don't know it (especially in the quicktime zone).

By not having to bother about Classic myself, It can't help further… sad.gif

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