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440 Forums _ Operating System and Other Apps _ Cant Verify/repair Disk Permissions?

Écrit par : Chris C.L jeu. 9 mars 2006, 20:31

Trying to do my weekly maintanance but verify+repair permissions stop part way through. I get this message- Disk utility error disk has lost its conection with the disk management Tool and cannot continue. Please quit and try again.

I have quit tried again, restarted computer and this still happens. Any got any idea how to solve this?

Écrit par : lepetitmartien ven. 10 mars 2006, 01:15

First have you tried while running from the install CD/DVD ? That's the first thing to try.

Now if it still continue, restart on your system and go to:


and take out of it:


Don't trash them, just put them out of the folder.
Now repair permissions it should work.
Once done, put both .pkg files back in place. you'll need them for the next iTunes update. cool.gif

It's as stupid as this… blink.gif laugh.gif

Écrit par : Gojinx ven. 10 mars 2006, 10:48

There was a problem with iTunes 6.0.2-I had the same problems with disk utility. I also went the lepetitmartien route at first-but since the iTunes 6.0.4 update, I haven't had any more problems-with all packages their rightfull places.

Écrit par : Chris C.L ven. 10 mars 2006, 11:12

Cheers for that. The weekend befor last my wife bought an ipod which included software upgraded itunes to 6.2.
I will first try 6.4. I am conserned about running the install disk as its 10.3. Will I loose my version of 10.3.9? If so probably wont be able to download it from apple anymore. Also will I loose all my other software?
P.S. I do have a bootable back up on external.

Écrit par : lepetitmartien dim. 12 mars 2006, 03:26

No you won't loose anything, start from the install CD/DVD, and in the menus you'll have a menu item to the disk Utility wink.gif It'll check the drive (repair and permissions) and once it's done, just ask to restart without installing anything (there's a startup disk link too around).

Note that the iTunes bug will produce the same error while using the install cd system. It's normal (it checks the .pkg on the checked drive hence the faulty itunes ones)

Écrit par : Chris C.L dim. 12 mars 2006, 23:23

Tried dunning install disk(disk 1 from panther box) and ther where no menus before install and install options would have included the OS on dick. I quit and tried putting in the install disk that came with my imac(OS10.2), ther where no menu options here before install either.
Could what your talking about be on one of the other 2 disks that came with panther?

Écrit par : lepetitmartien lun. 13 mars 2006, 04:30

it's on the first CD

For panther:

start from the CD
once up, go to the Installer menu, choose "open disk utility" and you can check permissions et repair the hard drive.
to restart, choose quit, quit installer and restart.

for info in Tiger:

start from the DVD
one up you have the window to choose the language, select the appropriate then click on the bottom arrow
now you see a Utilities menu, select the Disk utility.
From here it's the same as in panther.

As a side note, NEVER use the install CDs from another version of OS X to repair a more recent one. Use the same version install CD/DVD.

Écrit par : jrjnsn lun. 13 mars 2006, 15:38

I'm having what could be a similar problem.... only when I repair premissions the progress bar goes to the end, but the permission repair never stops. Even if I leave it going overnight.

Also Garageband won't open.

These problems began after updated Itunes, do you think that could be the culprit? I tried taking the Itunes 6.3 and 6.4 out of the receipts folder but that didn't seem to help.

I have 10.4 install disks but am still in 10.2.8 pending completion of a seemingly interminable album project.


Écrit par : Chris C.L lun. 13 mars 2006, 18:11

Thank you so much for bearing with me and helping deal with this lepetitmartien. Your a star. smile.gif
My system is now back in tip top shape. Cheers

jrjnsn I found 3 folders for itunes in rescipts, did you take all itunes stuff out?

Écrit par : lepetitmartien mar. 14 mars 2006, 04:39

I have 4 iTunes.pkg in my receipts… only the 2 ones I've mentioned are a problem. wink.gif

Écrit par : UP Multimedia mar. 14 mars 2006, 14:16

lepetitmartien... You're better than SOS. Great watching you solve problems... Before "Our Collective Eyes" You are really something... Do you do music any longer or have you devoted your spare time to helping the technically challenged?

Écrit par : lepetitmartien mer. 15 mars 2006, 04:32

Hey, I'm a geek laugh.gif

Unfortunately I can't make music right now… angry.gif I don't have the right 424 for my G5… among other things… (can't find that damn serial number for MOTU and their $*%&#@ upgrade system…) sigh… And MM is quite a job (behind the scene).

Now everyone is welcome, not only newbies or tech challenged, as everyone can share and learn. There are a LOT of things I don't know, i'm more the beast within on the computer side and in the synth department. blink.gif

But i digress… it's all OT wink.gif laugh.gif

Thanks UPM!

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