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440 Forums _ Operating System and Other Apps _ Can't Open A File

Écrit par : psytricks mar. 4 oct. 2005, 13:06

Hello! I hope this is the right section to post in... I just downloaded daHornet AU softsynth, and when I double click on the file, it displays the message "does not appear to be compressed or encoded" and suggests trying stuffit, which also gives the same message. Do I need different decompression software to uncompress it? It's a .dmg.gz file. Any ideas anyone? Thank you!

Écrit par : stovall mar. 4 oct. 2005, 13:13

Usually stuffit will open it, if it does not automatically begin to "unstuff" drag the file onto the stuffit application. There is one other possiblity and that is the program was corrupted during download, download it again. Hope this helps.

Écrit par : psytricks mar. 4 oct. 2005, 13:51

Thanks for the reply, but I tried all that, but no joy...

Écrit par : lancet mar. 4 oct. 2005, 14:24

i just tested it and the download is daHornet.dmg.gz

I can't remember what happens in 10.3 but in 10.4.x the .gz bit should undo itself at download and leave you with daHornet.dmg on the desktop.

by your description I'll guess that the .gz is not unpacked. or corrupted as has been mentioned.

update stuffit. this should let you get at the disk image if it's not corrupted.

if not , then run the all the OS updates , and try again.

Écrit par : azusa mar. 4 oct. 2005, 20:52

You need to update Stuffit expander.
This happened to me once when I first moved to OS X. smile.gif

BTW I'm still on 10.3.9.

Écrit par : psytricks mer. 5 oct. 2005, 00:05

Thanks for the help! Will update stuffit...

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