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440 Forums _ Mac PowerPC _ If You Had £2,000 To Spend...

Écrit par : bapboy ven. 11 avril 2003, 21:27

I've been using a Powermac G3 233 for many years now with Cubase VST and no proper soundcard for a long time now. I am due for an upgrade and I want a kickass system that is going to stand the test of time and not have these aggravating compatibility issues I keep hearing so much about. If you were me and you had £2,000 to spend, what would you spend it on?

Écrit par : lepetitmartien dim. 13 avril 2003, 03:50

As usual…before answering this, we need to know what do you want to do with it?

software, plug-ins, virtual instruments, track of audio

The usual answer is "the best you can afford" wink.gif

Écrit par : dixiechicken dim. 13 avril 2003, 11:37

You will not get a kickass system for 2000$.

You will get maybe an 17" flat panel iMac.
This is areally nice computer sytem, but its definitely not Kickass.

You still dont have any audio/midi interface and
you still dont have Cubase SX Digital Performe 4 or Logic 6 -
"kickass" programs to go with it.

Cheers: Dixiechicken

Écrit par : dixiechicken dim. 13 avril 2003, 11:48

I t doesnt quite like it on your post, but...

If have a lot of old external equipment connected to your old g3-233.

Buy Powerlogix ZIF-card uograde to an G4-867 thats 1465$.
Use the remaining 535$ for more RAM and maybe a software upgrade.

Than again if DONT have a lot of old external equipment connected to your begie
g3-233, buy a new system but in the end you'll will probably spend a lot more tha 2000$.
You can spred the investment over a couple of years perhaps.

Cheers: Dixiechicken

Écrit par : BusError dim. 13 avril 2003, 13:08

Thats 2000 english pounds, about $3137.97

For that one can get say a secondhand QuickSilver 2*1Ghz easily (must more silent than the newer MDD, still very fast) and the PC133 memory is quite cheap so it's fairly easy to put 1.5Gb in it.
It comes with one 80Gb disk. And it runs OS9 just fine.

The rest can be blown on whatever sound equipment is necessary (maybe a USB<->MIDI interface for the old gear?)

Écrit par : carnagex2000 dim. 13 avril 2003, 21:21

$ 460 Digidesign Mbox (with Protools LE 6.0)
$ 270 Reason 2 (with 2.5 upgrade)
$ 50 Reload ($50 with Reason 2 registration)
$ 200 NEC AccuSync 90 CRT 19 inch monitor 1600x1200 @76hz .23mm
$2000 PowerMac Dual 1.25 Mhz (take of $100 if you can find a friend
who is in school. Apple Education Discount)
$2980 Total (with $157.90 left over for tax)

(you could replace the Digidesign with the Cubase SX for a few $)
2000 pounds = 3137.97 dollars


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