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440 Forums _ Mac PowerPC _ Boss To Saffire To Mac Le

Écrit par : leelbest jeu. 3 janv. 2008, 02:14

Hey folks. Time to get learning. I got 7.0 Logic Express and worked with it till I got frustrated with the learning curve. Now taking a new try at it. First off, I am trying to see how to use my Boss DR-550 Rhythm box to send data to my mac. Never done this so maybe it is really easy? I need direction from someone who knows, please?

I have two outs on the front of the Focusrite panel filled from the Boss Stereo out put jacks (1/4"). The Focusrite is FW through a FW drive and into the Mac. Mac is a 1.25 DP G4 running 10.4.11, memory 2 Gigs.

SaffireControl software shows beats hitting the panel so it looks like it is going through. But I cant get a sound from this setup on my mac? I tried using Logic Express to record or to monitor but, no sound there either,

Sorry to be so dense but unlike many musicians, have a very limited understanding of how the tech side of this stuff really works. More of a right brains sort of guy.

Thanks very much if anyone can help.


Écrit par : mortalengines jeu. 3 janv. 2008, 05:53

I don't have Logic Express (I have Ableton Live)but I will venture a guess to maybe help you get up and running. First of all go into Logic/Preferences/Audio and make sure that Logic has the Saffire's channels open and is using them as an audio input option. Second of all, make sure the channel/track you want to record on is "armed to record". That is the little red record button is lit. These are the 2 most common things that come up when you are just getting started. Keep plugging away and good luck!

Écrit par : gdoubleyou jeu. 3 janv. 2008, 17:44

Did you select an audio input, and arm the track for recording?


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