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440 Forums _ Mac PowerPC _ Is This Crazy Or What?

Écrit par : flamencopilot sam. 22 oct. 2005, 08:15

Just bought the latest powermac G5, 2GHz and I've got this idea to install Tiger on it and then strip it down, get rid of ALL apps, re-install all of my music software and use the machine striclty for that. Would be recording onto an external HD. My powerbook would continue to run on Panther and would handle all of my regular apps. Oh yeah, I'd leave some sytem utilities on the G5, including TechTools and DiskWarrior. No bull guys, I'm gonna do this unless someone can talk some sense into me!

Écrit par : lancet sam. 22 oct. 2005, 13:53

IMHO, other than saving some drive space , there would be little or no benefit from doing so.

let us know how it goes....

Écrit par : dwwave dim. 23 oct. 2005, 16:45

I don't think you will have noticeable gains in performance

and .. may cause your self a big headache (just my opinion) unsure.gif

Écrit par : lepetitmartien lun. 24 oct. 2005, 01:24

First, for Tiger, i'd wait till the 10.4.3 (currently under beta testing so will come in the weeks to come) or 10.4.4. As there's some bugs still which can be very annoying, save that Tiger is fast.

Till then, i'd stay on Panther on a system proven to work wink.gif

The only thing I would remove are the little utilities that are not so, which are installed in the system or next to it (like some prefpanels). But i won't touch to the system, and not to the apps. save if you need the free space.

Anyway, remember to clone your user folder…

Écrit par : Marcia lun. 24 oct. 2005, 20:41

I'm running a new dual 2.5 Power Mac and did the very thing you are wanting to do. LOVE IT, and highly recommend it for a great recording experience with stability and POWER. I'm using the latest version of Logic Pro in Tiger, got lots of good Native Instruments plug ins, and more. Sweet stuff. If you can afford it, why wouldn't you? Unless you're not wanting a high end result with lots of choices at your fingertips and high quality samples that can fly on-demand (who doesn't want that?). Have fun, I am.

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