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440 Forums _ Mac PowerPC _ Digi 002 On G5

Écrit par : sunnyg mer. 7 avril 2004, 13:33


How could I used os9 and digi 002 on G5?


Écrit par : td3k mer. 7 avril 2004, 14:23

It is not possible, the G5 will NOT boot into OS 9.2.2 and ProTools LE will not run in classic mode. You will have to run PT LE 6.3.2 on your G5. The 002 will work under 9.2 on an older G4 that can still boot 9.
Probably not what you wanted to hear. The version of PT LE that runs on OSX (6.2.3) is more fully featured than (ver, 5.2.1) under 9.2.2 anyway.


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