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440 Forums _ Mac PowerPC _ Has Anyone Bought A 1.6 G5

Écrit par : drox ven. 13 févr. 2004, 13:55

Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone has bought one of the single processor G5's yet. Im curious how they perform compared to a similar speced G4. Ive seen all the comparisons with the windoze machines but am curious of the performance differences.

Écrit par : Nels dim. 4 avril 2004, 17:34

In Sept. of 2003, the wife and I bought a single G5/1.8GHz for our home desktop along with a 15"/1.25 Powerbook w/Superdrive for my DAW home recording set up. Both are superbly suited for anything you want to do, audio, video, etc., but as many would agree, the Powerbook has a faster processor and is a bit quiter than the G5.

Don't get me wrong, ...the G5 is extremely quite too, so which ever you decide on, you really can't go wrong.

If you're a PC user and you're thinking of switching, you won't be dissapointed, but keep in mind that PCs, these days, are just as suited for most DAW set ups. Also, they can be less expensive and especially, if you're a video gamer, PCs still give you many more options in that department.

Hopefully that'll help,

Écrit par : MrDee mer. 7 avril 2004, 14:56

Hey Nels - uni has just bought a ton of G5 1.8 single processors for the workstation (audio use) - they are definately capable for the job and you can notice the difference - but it isn't completely groundbreaking imo. G5s are however much better optimised it seems for OS X - so to future proof urself, they'd be the way to go.

Écrit par : fastlanephil lun. 12 avril 2004, 04:41

Nels states "but as many would agree, the Powerbook has a faster processor and is a bit quieter than the G5."

I imagine it is quieter but the Powerbook is not faster than a 1.8 G5 or a 1.6 G5.

Écrit par : Nels lun. 12 avril 2004, 05:19

I'll gladly stand corrected, but then can I sit back down again after a while.

Guys! Guys! Ain't no big deal. Relax!

Since I have both the G5 1.8 and the PB G4 1.25, I was merely making an observation. That's all!

The G5 is over all and undoubtedly the better machine, but I still say that the PB G4 moves a tad quicker.

The wife and I even ran our own little test to see if I was imagining the whole thing. Side by side, on the same network, we were bringing up the same pages, clicking on 3. ..And each time, the PB was quicker in downloading the page by a split second.

Granted, you had to really focus hard to catch it, so I guess it was hardly worth mentioning.

And judging from the way you guys have reacted to my seemingly innocent little comment, I wish I hadn't.

Sorry if I offended or confused anyone,

Écrit par : MrDee lun. 12 avril 2004, 06:01

lol sorry dude that wasn't meant to be 'Hey Nels' but rather 'Hey Drox' - it was my opinion to Drox's question. Sorry for the misunderstanding - I actually agree with you with regards to the powerbook being faster. Perhaps it has something to do with the PB having everything close together?

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