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440 Forums _ Mac PowerPC _ Computer Djing

Écrit par : apachateca lun. 30 avril 2007, 19:41

hey everybody- i'm looking for advice on setting up my mac for laptop djing. right now i have a 12" powerbook G4 1GHZ that i would like to use for laptop djing, probably with ms pinky. i would like to know how minimal i can get it. i only have a 40 gig hd in it, so space is limited. i would like to know what is essential to run just a dj program. what files can i get rid of, what programs don't i need, etc. i'm talking barebones stripped, focused solely on djing, no intertubes, no logic, no garageband, i can store my tracks on a thumb drive if need be, but i don't use them so i don't know how much space they really have. thanks for the info, especially from any hardcore geeks/wizards out there. peace!

Écrit par : mortalengines mar. 1 mai 2007, 05:19

I use Ableton which streams info directly off of the HD and I am not sure if ms pinky works the same way or not. I do however suggest you go ahead and invest in an Oxford 911 Firewire Hard drive as I understand that with most music apps you will have MUCH better performance if you put all your material on a separate drive and leave your main HD for OS and app functions (never mind that when your laptop's HD dies your material is safely backed up elsewhere). You may be on a budget but has VERY reasonable hard drives that will fit almost any budget.

Écrit par : Mac Daddy mar. 1 mai 2007, 09:43


Ms Pinky, would be too important to rely on 12" powerbook G4 1GHz! Sounds like you're going to a Crypts & Bloods Fight (Two Notorious LA Gangs) armed with a bag of Popcorn... I really think you need more "Power". You might be expecting too much from 1GHz. If you are totally "Organized" and "Optimized" you might pull it off... Sounds too "Big" of a "Gig" for such a "Little" "Rig". Laptops can be tempermental at the best of times, however, the thought of a 12" PowerBook under hot conditions, with constant power surges from lights, PA, etc. being responsible for Ms Pinky?!?! I'm feeling nervous about this 'apachateca'.

If you pull it off you're a champion...

Écrit par : apachateca mar. 1 mai 2007, 17:55

i do have all my music stored on a firewire external drive, but i would like to keep it more minimal, i.e- only load the songs i need on the internal drive. i will be using turnatables for records, but also want to spin some digital files... if i am not using the full capabilites of ms pinky, should i stick with serato?
also- will a digital turntable with a digital mixer allow me to control digital files? would i just need timecode vinyl in such an instance? thanks for yur thoughts- keep em comin ;}

Écrit par : mortalengines mer. 2 mai 2007, 05:20

For whatever it's worth I definitely understand your desire to keep things as minimal as possible but a portable hard drive really doesn't take up much space and if the FW cable is long enough, you can put it on the floor under the table you are working at. I drag mine around to all my gigs....Just don't forget to take it with you. One time I left my HD at home and a radio station gig started about 10 minutes late as a result of my having to race back across town to get it (duh!).


Écrit par : apachateca mer. 2 mai 2007, 17:53

well ok! i'll take the advice of a practicing dj...thanks for the thoughts- anything else i might want to be aware of, any issues you've come across in yur experience?

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