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440 Forums _ Mac Intel _ Pci To Pcie

Écrit par : aportman mer. 25 juil. 2007, 06:46

I have a question that has probably been asked and answered at least a 1000 times, but I cannot see to find the exact answer that I am looking for anywhere.

I am wanting to upgrade to a new Mac Pro Desktop system from my worn out and exhausted G4 desktop. I have a UAD-1's & M-Audio Interface on my present G4 Mac, which are PCI cards. Is there a way that I can convert these work somehow, so that I do not have to trash $4000.00 work of hardware and plug-ins? If these systems are now rendered useless, I think this is freaking ridiculous. I have probably $3000.00 in my UAD's plug-ins, and another $1000.00 in my interfaces.

What's strange to me is that all the music magazines (sweetwater, guitar center, etc) mostly sell interfaces that still only come with PCI cards.

Thanks for any direction you can provide!


Écrit par : lepetitmartien mer. 25 juil. 2007, 13:52

- Some PCI cards are compatible with PCI-x (too old ones need an upgrade)
- PCI-e needs new cards, you should have an upgrade possible (MOTU does it, I can't tell for other, not having had to care about other brands)

And yes, hardware makers are exactly keen to communicate on the issues save in a devious way… There's been the press releases, but it forgets computer life span and the reluctancy of musician to move from a WORKING environment. wink.gif

Another thing is there's sometimes advertisements (not by the makers who are clear on the buses) who use "PCI" only but it covers any flavour… Check the norm first with the sellers!

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