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440 Forums _ Mac Intel _ Is There A List Of Intel Mac Music Software?

Écrit par : jimmynitcher mar. 7 mars 2006, 09:36

I'd really like to know as I have one and it's tiresome trying to find news from each of their sites.
Something that is updated weekly or something, I've googled this with no luck.

much app

j smile.gif

Écrit par : lepetitmartien mer. 8 mars 2006, 05:03

First you can search macintel in our news. wink.gif

Second you can just read

Third, have you seen the pinned topic in this very forum? wink.gif laugh.gif

Écrit par : jimmynitcher ven. 10 mars 2006, 19:47

gah! Sorreee!

i'm a fool...


Écrit par : lepetitmartien dim. 12 mars 2006, 02:59

You'll be spanked LOL laugh.gif cool.gif

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