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440 Forums _ RME _ Rme Hammerfall Dsp 9632 Or Fireface Overkill Or Not?

Écrit par : qusp74 mar. 10 juil. 2007, 14:48

Hi everyone,

I'm a newbie to this site, and a relative newbie to recording in general. I am a DAW logic user, I used to have a g4, alesis M1's Rode mics, a yamaha promix01and a delta66 but have recently upgraded to a G5 and KRK rp6's and RP10s my delta 66 was rendered useless by this move and i'm looking to get a new interface. (minijack sounds shite blink.gif ) My options are secondhand RME fireface and PCI, New RME hammerfall 9632, G5 compatible Delta 1010 or ECHO layla or GINA 3G. RME is my pick, followed by ECHO with M-audio third still the same tech as when I bought my delta 6 years ago. but I'm wondering, seem as the rest of my gear is prosumer will I really be able to notice the difference between RME and ECHO with my KRK's etc. the hammerfall gear has more of a future but will it really blow my socks off or just give me some bragging rights for the extra $500 australian.

any feedback would be welcome.

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