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440 Forums _ Presonus _ Presonus - Central Station Owners

Écrit par : Mac-Dee lun. 17 avril 2006, 15:07

Hey Gurus i have a Presonus CS and i am running out of my G5 (digtal audio optical out) into my the CS Tos
If i shut the computer down my gear and come to boot it up in the morning i will switch my CS to Tos Digital which i have connected yet No signal i have the sound setup to digital out ... eventually the signal kicks in after 15 mins i do a disk scan or something and its ok if i do a reboot but when i shut down and come back to it after being shut down for a while same problem

I have a RME -hdsp9632 Pci and i run it through that works fine on start up all through but the Tos is F**Ked been Rackin my brains on what to do any ideas ?

Thanks Advance

Écrit par : lepetitmartien lun. 17 avril 2006, 19:47

try these first.

There seems to be some issues with the optical out, but it's rather a virgin territory.

(moving into the interface forum)

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