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440 Forums _ MOTU _ Motu 828?

Écrit par : vijay dim. 21 sept. 2003, 16:40

Hi everyone,
Can i use a Motu 828 with an i planning to have a setup at home... is 828 is good?as this is my first ever setup i dont have any idea is this setup is good...thnks for ur help.


Écrit par : add9 dim. 21 sept. 2003, 17:10

I don't know if you can use it on an iMac but I surely can recommend MOTU 828 it self.
I am so happy that I decided to buy it a year and a half ago. I have had no problems with it and the sound is amazing cool.gif

"What's it all about, Alfie..."

Écrit par : vijay lun. 22 sept. 2003, 06:44

Hi add9
how do u setup ur 828?how have u routed them?just gimme an overview how ur sytem looks like.thnks for ur help.


Écrit par : ericdano lun. 22 sept. 2003, 20:58

Depends on which model. The original 828 only allows you to monitor 1 mono channel or 2 stereo channels. So, if you are recording on one of the mic inputs, you can't, through the 828, also hear/monitor any of the other channels without going through the computer and then you have latency issues.....

This is not an issues with the new 828mkII

My 828 setup I pretty much route other sources through a mixer and have the preouts go to the 828. Works really well. I'd still like to get a newer 828 for recording at 96khz..........;-)

Écrit par : vijay mar. 23 sept. 2003, 06:25

im planning to buy the newer 828...can i route a mixer via 828 to expand my inputs?moreover i must be able to mix all those track via mac it possible?thanks for ur help in advance...


Écrit par : boze mer. 24 sept. 2003, 17:08

thanks for that bit of info eric-
i've been considering a mk1 828 for a while now because i'm stuck unable to use my 2408mk1 as a result of htose flakey osx drivers. but i also wanted to be able to use it for laptop performance and i'm wondering now if the limited monitoring might get in the way. good to know what the pros and cons are at least- even though i can't afford a mk2 =(

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