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440 Forums _ MOTU _ 828mkii Sometimes Stops Working

Écrit par : MatzeMillion jeu. 23 nov. 2006, 04:45

Hi everyone,

I have a strange problem with an 828mkII and a MacPro. Sometimes after closing an application with motu sound output (logic, a game, quicktime, etc) the interface stops working. Its still avaliable, but don't play back any sound. Only way to get sound back is a restart.

It does happen only with a MacPro. With an Intel MacMini, a MacBook Pro and Powerbook G4 evertything is fine.
I tried a complete reinstall, other cable, removing other devices, factory reset, unplugging / reconnecting, switching on/off, unloading/loading kernel extensions, booting the MacPro via firewire from a MacBook Pro, tried an other 828mkII interface, etc.
Nothing helps.

When it happens, the MOTU Midi interface is greyed out in Audio-Midi-Config.
Quicktime is hanging like 10sec when trying to play back sound.

Is there anyone with same problem or with a MacPro and no problems?

Thanks for any reply!! smile.gif


MacPro 2,66 GHz, 5GB Ram, X1900XT, OS X 10.4.8, MOTU 828mkII with 1.4.2 driver, LogicPro 7.2.3, Waves 5.9.1 with iLok, Midisport 2x2

Écrit par : lepetitmartien ven. 24 nov. 2006, 00:34

Have you tried a reset of the 828?

Now first time we hear about your problem on a macpro. Now it may only be a fantasy of the 828 or a bug in the driver. sad.gif We need other inputs.

Écrit par : MatzeMillion ven. 24 nov. 2006, 16:41

QUOTE (lepetitmartien @ Fri 24 Nov 2006, 00:34) *
Have you tried a reset of the 828?

Now first time we hear about your problem on a macpro. Now it may only be a fantasy of the 828 or a bug in the driver. sad.gif We need other inputs.

I tried a reset. Got this (standard?) troubleshooting advice from MOTU support, but nothing helped.

Please try the following for your 828 mk II interface:

- Try a factory reset - push the Setup knob, turn it all the way to the right and follow the directions on the LCD.
- Try setting both your Optical Input and Optical Output in the MOTU Console to ADAT.
- Try a different Firewire cable.
- Try removing all other Firewire devices.
- Try different Firewire ports.
- Try toggling the red voltage switch on the right side of the unit with the unit OFF. Do this 5 or 6 times, then set it to the correct position and try again.
- Try the unit with a different computer, if possible.
- If you use a PCI Firewire card, check to make sure your card uses the Texas Instruments or Lucent chipset.
- Try reinstalling drivers:

Goto Macintosh HD > System > Library > Extensions
and trash the file, "MOTU Firewire Audio.kext."

Go into the Applications folder and trash all 3 MOTU Consoles. Empty the trash.

Reboot your machine, run a Repair Disk Permissions from your Apple Disk Utility, then reinstall our most recent drivers
from our website being sure that unit is NOT turned on.
Reboot and turn on your device.

I'm just again installing a fresh system 10.4.8 with only the motu drivers installed. Knock on wood... wink.gif

Écrit par : lepetitmartien ven. 24 nov. 2006, 18:18

reset the nvram like explained here:
- start up in Open firmware (command-option-o-f on start up)
- at the prompt type, followed by a return:

It'll reboot with NVRAM back to defaults values. If the issue is a wrong bus speed somewhere, it'll cure it.

Is there something else connected in firewire?

Écrit par : MatzeMillion ven. 24 nov. 2006, 22:58

QUOTE (lepetitmartien @ Fri 24 Nov 2006, 18:18) *
reset the nvram like explained here:
- start up in Open firmware (command-option-o-f on start up)
- at the prompt type, followed by a return:

It'll reboot with NVRAM back to defaults values. If the issue is a wrong bus speed somewhere, it'll cure it.

Is there something else connected in firewire?

the new intel macs don't have open firmware. ;-)
it happens with nothing else on any firewire port.
fresh OS install (only with latest updates and logic) showed the same problem.

Would be great to know if other MacPros with 828mkII (mis-)behaving the same...

Écrit par : lepetitmartien ven. 24 nov. 2006, 23:40

Fun is, Apple says on one hand you can have password protection in OF on intel macs, and on the other hand there's no OF in these… blink.gif
thanks I didn't now that… so how can we restore the equivalent (EFI) then? I'm going to dive into apple database as it's important for us.


I found these which may be relevant (if it's on the Macpro side°
Check yours is up to date.
reset also PRAM if it has not been done already.

Once it's done or controlled, the issue can only be the driver itself (and it'd be a rare bug just for you) or the 828 mkII (which can have problems has we have already seen some).

I'd strongly suspect the 828…


Écrit par : MatzeMillion sam. 25 nov. 2006, 04:24

First... thanks for getting involved!! :-)

I have the latest firmware and I did a fresh 10.4.8 install with only LogicPro and the MOTU drivers.
Again loss of sound output.
I tried two different 828mkII interfaces (with different firmware/bootloaders) and I had the problem with both interfaces.

There is a thread in Apples forums and some people suspect the Ram causing the problems.

Maybe I find time to check different configurations.

QUOTE (lepetitmartien @ Fri 24 Nov 2006, 23:40) *
Fun is, Apple says on one hand you can have password protection in OF on intel macs, and on the other hand there's no OF in these… blink.gif
thanks I didn't now that… so how can we restore the equivalent (EFI) then? I'm going to dive into apple database as it's important for us.


I found these which may be relevant (if it's on the Macpro side°
Check yours is up to date.
reset also PRAM if it has not been done already.

Once it's done or controlled, the issue can only be the driver itself (and it'd be a rare bug just for you) or the 828 mkII (which can have problems has we have already seen some).

I'd strongly suspect the 828…


Écrit par : lepetitmartien sam. 25 nov. 2006, 14:02

Hey, these forums are for help wink.gif

One thing you have not answered is have you something else connected in firewire?

The fact 2 as different as possible 828 have the issue is smelling bad. Yep the RAM, but it'd be very "hairy" as a cause. And given the prices of it, not fun to swap just to check. sad.gif

Écrit par : MatzeMillion sam. 25 nov. 2006, 14:37

I checked many times with and without firewire HDs connected. In fact I tested the fresh install with no other hardware (only 23" Cinema HD, Mouse and Keyboard) attached to the computer. Makes no difference and the harddisks work like butter before and after loss of sound, even in a chain behind the 828.

I strongly believe its a driver related problem on MOTUs or Apples side.

The ram swapping is very easy with these machine, but I really want to avoid it... wink.gif

QUOTE (lepetitmartien @ Sat 25 Nov 2006, 14:02) *
Hey, these forums are for help wink.gif

One thing you have not answered is have you something else connected in firewire?

The fact 2 as different as possible 828 have the issue is smelling bad. Yep the RAM, but it'd be very "hairy" as a cause. And given the prices of it, not fun to swap just to check. sad.gif

Écrit par : rbailey sam. 17 févr. 2007, 17:29

I was wondering if a solution to this issue was ever found? My MOTU 828 Mk II has worked faithfully for years on a G5. However, I am experiencing the same issues as MatzeMillion with my factory fresh Mac Pro.

.... and I see that MOTU just posted some new drivers on Wednesday...... let see what these bring.

Écrit par : andrewsolomon lun. 19 févr. 2007, 22:45

QUOTE (rbailey @ Sat 17 Feb 2007, 17:29) *
I was wondering if a solution to this issue was ever found? My MOTU 828 Mk II has worked faithfully for years on a G5. However, I am experiencing the same issues as MatzeMillion with my factory fresh Mac Pro.

.... and I see that MOTU just posted some new drivers on Wednesday...... let see what these bring.

Not sure if this all concidence but this past weekend 828 MKII has stopped working me as well on my G5 using Digital performer. There is not output sound coming. If anyone figures out a solution, please tell. This is very frustrating.

Écrit par : lepetitmartien mar. 20 févr. 2007, 02:22

it's an issue occuring with the 828, for now if all that has been detailed here doesn't work, it's a mystery. sad.gif

andrew try all the tricks above and keep us informed.

Écrit par : rbailey mar. 20 févr. 2007, 12:32

FYI - Since I installed the new drivers MOTU released on 2/14/2007, my 828 MkII has worked without issue on my Mac Pro, so they are definetely moving in the right direction............ biggrin.gif

Écrit par : rickralvarez mar. 15 juil. 2008, 03:42

I am new to the forum. I have had issues with my 828MKII and my G5,Macbook Pro,Macmini and Mac Pro. So far this is what i did to resolve the problem. I purchased an M-Audio 410 for my Live Kore2 rig and my Macmini. I spent too much time but with this advise I pray some of you get your $ worth from your Motu 828MKII.

I took MatzeMillion's advice. Please see below;

Try a factory reset - push the Setup knob, turn it all the way to the right and follow the directions on the LCD.
- Try setting both your Optical Input and Optical Output in the MOTU Console to ADAT.
- Try a different Firewire cable.
- Try removing all other Firewire devices.
- Try different Firewire ports.
- Try toggling the red voltage switch on the right side of the unit with the unit OFF. Do this 5 or 6 times, then set it to the correct position and try again.
- Try the unit with a different computer, if possible.
- If you use a PCI Firewire card, check to make sure your card uses the Texas Instruments or Lucent chipset.
- Try reinstalling drivers:

I also did the following;
- I reset PRAM
-I also repaired my disc permission
- I had to re-install the latest driver on Motu's webite 3 times

So far i have did this with my Macbook Pro. I will post new info on the Macmini. It was very unstable but I will check it out soon. I wont install any drivers for my Mac Pro. It is my Pro Tools HD3 rig.

Thanks for taking the time to post this info.

Écrit par : ironhead mar. 15 juil. 2008, 07:00

i had a similar problem with my mac book pro and i did everything you did but it would not solve problem i even went and bought a new firewire cable that also did not work
what i did to solve the problem was to uninstall a program a program call oss3d (which is a great program) and everything as been running smoothly ever since
So your problem may be from some other plugin or software compatibility issue with the motu driver

QUOTE (MatzeMillion @ Thu 23 Nov 2006, 04:45) *
Hi everyone,

I have a strange problem with an 828mkII and a MacPro. Sometimes after closing an application with motu sound output (logic, a game, quicktime, etc) the interface stops working. Its still avaliable, but don't play back any sound. Only way to get sound back is a restart.

It does happen only with a MacPro. With an Intel MacMini, a MacBook Pro and Powerbook G4 evertything is fine.
I tried a complete reinstall, other cable, removing other devices, factory reset, unplugging / reconnecting, switching on/off, unloading/loading kernel extensions, booting the MacPro via firewire from a MacBook Pro, tried an other 828mkII interface, etc.
Nothing helps.

When it happens, the MOTU Midi interface is greyed out in Audio-Midi-Config.
Quicktime is hanging like 10sec when trying to play back sound.

Is there anyone with same problem or with a MacPro and no problems?

Thanks for any reply!! smile.gif


MacPro 2,66 GHz, 5GB Ram, X1900XT, OS X 10.4.8, MOTU 828mkII with 1.4.2 driver, LogicPro 7.2.3, Waves 5.9.1 with iLok, Midisport 2x2

Écrit par : rickralvarez mar. 15 juil. 2008, 14:05

I also opened the unit and gently pushed on the "eprom" that holds the firmware. It seemed a little lose so that may have ben the trick.
I have done this with other products in the past and it was the fix in the past.

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