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440 Forums _ M-Audio _ Oxygen8 V2 And Garage Band

Écrit par : TaylorMac2 jeu. 27 avril 2006, 01:40

The oxygen8 v2 by M-audio has a line a of buttons which (I was told) can control Garage Band (play, stop, record...).
How nice!!! I can't get it to work though blink.gif
Anyone got a useful hint?

Écrit par : TaylorMac2 jeu. 27 avril 2006, 05:47

anybody? unsure.gif

Écrit par : TaylorMac2 sam. 29 avril 2006, 04:29

M'kay, does anyone know how to enable "MIDI Machine Control messages" in Garage Band? 'cause I think that's the clue to my problem!

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