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440 Forums _ M-Audio _ Latency Time

Écrit par : stimpy dim. 4 mars 2007, 11:28

How do you find out what your latency weighs in at?
I know the old Cubase VST32 used to have a speed result in the device setup, but nothing I've seen lately seems to have similar.

How can I make it shorter anyway? I'm triggering drums.
(Once your samples are on a ext. 7200rpm drive and buffers are lowest etc, what else can you do; Does more RAM make it faster?)

Powerbook G4 1.5GHZ 512MB OSX 10.4.8
Firewire 410
Sampletank 2XL 2.2, Garageband, Cubase SX1, Waves, Peak, Kontakt 1

Écrit par : lepetitmartien lun. 5 mars 2007, 03:57

Given you have only 512 MB of RAM, to max out would be a good idea, for now, your OS X is straining with not enough RAM for himself. You'll see overall speed getting better with 1GB and more (at least 1.5 or 2 GB will give plenty of room for everyone and the less swap disk as possible for virtual memory. Then, your CPU will be able to care a bit more with your jobs on hand.

Remember that the lower the buffer, the highest CPU strain you make, so ease its life smile.gif

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