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440 Forums _ Edirol _ Edirol Ua-5 Audio Interface

Écrit par : taco6 ven. 6 sept. 2002, 23:29

Anybody using this with OS X? If so, how is it working? Any problems?

Écrit par : lacas sam. 7 sept. 2002, 06:12

Works fine for me. Ripped all my vinyl with it and Sound Studio.

Écrit par : rickenbacker sam. 7 sept. 2002, 18:31

There's a beta version of the UA-5's OS X driver on the Edirol website (apologies if you already know this). Also on the site are the results of Edirol's tests using Logic 5.3.0 with all Edirol's USB products. Everything works, they say.

I've not done too much recording with my UA-5 in OS X - when I switch to Logic OS X in the next week or so, I'll be doing a lot more. But what I've done with the UA-5 so far is absolutely fine.

Écrit par : taco6 jeu. 12 sept. 2002, 05:13

How is the pre-amp? Is it sufficient?

Écrit par : rickenbacker ven. 13 sept. 2002, 11:28

I've read some comments where people say it's a bit quiet. Seems OK to me, but then I also use my Joe Meek VC3 as the mic preamp a lot of the time and just use the UA-5 as the audio interface to my Mac.

Écrit par : rickenbacker ven. 13 sept. 2002, 12:18

One other thing I remembered - some Mbox users have complained about a weak signal and there have been suggestions that as the Mbox relies on USB power alone, it can't ever truly generate the power for a decent mic. The Edirol has a power supply, so at least that's constant/steady and it means there's plenty of power for any sort of mic.

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