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440 Forums _ Edirol _ Edirol Prc-1 And Tiger

Écrit par : iParsifal mar. 14 févr. 2006, 21:57

Mys Edirol PRC-1 keyboard worked fine on Panther/PowerBook G4/1Ghz. My new PowerBook (1.67 Ghz, 2 GB SDRAM, OS 10.4.4) does not recognize the keyboard in Audio/Midi setup. I downloaded the newest driver from Roland USA web site and installed it, but it did not help. In fact, there does not seem to be a specific driver for the PRC-1 as there is a newer model that has replaced it, and the new driver does not seem to have the Audio Interface bit at all. Should I try to find the original driver for the PCR-1 from 2003?

Écrit par : bcatcho mer. 15 févr. 2006, 17:55

I'm assuming you mean the Edirol PCR-1.

Is this the driver you used: ?

Écrit par : iParsifal mer. 15 févr. 2006, 18:02

Quite right, PCR-1 it is!
The driver you suggest doesn not seem to be a midi keyboard driver at all, but some kind of video thing.

Écrit par : bcatcho mer. 15 févr. 2006, 18:47

Oh hmm i think i used the wrong link.

Écrit par : bcatcho mer. 15 févr. 2006, 18:57

Maybe you should try THIS driver (this is the right one).

Écrit par : bcatcho mer. 15 févr. 2006, 19:06

Sorry for so many posts, but the link i just gave you doesn't work. Try the PCR-1 Driver from here. The read-me says it offers support for tiger and the link worls:

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