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440 Forums _ Edirol _ Edirol Pcr-50 / Mac 10.3.9

Écrit par : lympog mer. 19 avril 2006, 07:13

I've tried to upgrade my G4 iBook from 10.3.8 to 10.3.9, but my Edirol PCR-50 seems to stop working when I upgrade (I've had to roll back to 10.3.8 because of this).
I need my keyboard to work (as I use Reason 2.5 live), but at the same time I'd like to upgrade.
Can anyone help me?

- Leigh

Écrit par : lepetitmartien jeu. 20 avril 2006, 05:11

Have you still the 10.3.9 around so we can try a few things?

Small check list:
- Repair permissions, and with, clear system and app caches, temps files, update prebinding (system optimization) complete of the system.
- Have you checked the drivers are in the right version?
- Have you tried to reinstall them?
- Did it appeared in the Audio MIDI setup or not? Is it listed in the peripherals? (apple menu/about this mac/more info)

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