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440 Forums _ Digidesign Mbox, Mbox2, 001, 002 etc. _ G4 iMac and Digidesign 001

Écrit par : tihei mar. 18 juin 2002, 03:14

I'd like to run Digidesign 001 and Protools LE on a new G4 iMac but the hardware requires a PCI slot. Is there an adapter out there that allows an external PCI slot(s) via firewire or the USB ports or something else?

Will be forever indebted if there's a way!!

Thankyou and looking forward to a million replies!!

Écrit par : lepetitmartien mar. 18 juin 2002, 06:04

Seriously… wink.gif

Ever try to use a ferrari motored by 2 horses ?

a bit like a pci card on a USB port… %)

Unfortunately there is no solution for you with the Digi, but Digidesign make the Mbox on USB, if you don't need loads of input it's ok (but other here could talk about better than me (come on boys!)

there are other interfaces but not Digidesign in firewire if you need inputs, but the local PT masters would be better advisers.

Écrit par : damann mar. 18 juin 2002, 08:05

sounds like you need to use a 'magma' pci expansion chassis that connects to the pcmcia card slot. wink.gif
if your 'sexy' new powerbook dosen't have this interface check the magma website, they will have an alternative solution. cool.gif

Écrit par : lepetitmartien mer. 19 juin 2002, 01:23

Yes damman forgot about this one… but it's as expensive than the Imac and pcmcia, I don't like that at all… gets ruined easilly without care and slower connection than FireWire.

The firewire stuff should really do the trick (MOTU, RME, Swissonic…)

If one of our PT guys could show up ? wink.gif

Écrit par : damann mer. 19 juin 2002, 04:04

absolutely, firewire is currently the coolest. smile.gif
have to say though, i have used magma chassis with pro tools:
fully digidesign endorsed, used with laptops, g4's etc.
my other point is 'gonna have to be that digi 001 investment level dosen't compete too well with motu etc, maybe not the best solution at this level unless tihei is already using protools/needs it for project compatibility.
oh yeah, that was your point lepetitmartien ! wink.gif
on the subject of expense, the average tdm/rtas plug costs almost as much as an expansion chassis ! huh.gif
surely a case of 'horses for courses: wink.gif

Écrit par : lepetitmartien mer. 19 juin 2002, 09:04

I think it's more a matter of how many I/O you really need…

plenty to look at in firewire (apparently no bad news this side, good stuff everywhere), cool things in USB (look in other threads… it's been a really common subject for laptops mainly)

personaly I'll go FireWire.

Écrit par : damann jeu. 20 juin 2002, 00:30

i'll drink to that one.
firewire rocks !!!
just happens to have been implemented by motu, discreetly, since day 1.
so i raise my glass to motu also. cool.gif
yeah, usb2, come on apple, we haven't got all day here, everyone knows you're the best, so stop arguing over the fine points... wink.gif

Écrit par : tihei jeu. 20 juin 2002, 00:56

Hi Boys

Thankyou (x 1,000,000) for your replies. I'm a girlie (did you guess)and have decided to ditch ProTools and run with Motu. It's pretty new over here in New Zealand but have found a supplier - Yaay. Thanks again and will let you know when I'm rich and famous!

Hmmm, how do I end my forum session...

Écrit par : damann jeu. 20 juin 2002, 02:10

hi tihei,
glad to have helped, as we say in london 'it warms the cockles of my heart' or the heart of my cockles (shit, i blew it), sorry. angry.gif
aren't the forums on this site just the best ? wink.gif
so, tihei, an anacronym for teehee (giggle) ?
anyway, enough of this nonsense, the right desicion made. success !
looks to me like this is just the start of your forum session/s,
will be glad to help with your future enquiries. angry.gif

Écrit par : lepetitmartien jeu. 20 juin 2002, 02:28

Welcome Tihei!

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me too I wanna be a popstar wink.gif

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