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440 Forums _ Digidesign Mbox, Mbox2, 001, 002 etc. _ Mbox & Osx & Vpc6

Écrit par : MrDee sam. 5 juin 2004, 07:24

Ok i'm not sure if this is a lil off topic but here it is anyways...

I used Virtual PC 6.0 for quite a while on the mac before i bought the MBox. My mate bought VPC after he had the MBox. Now, when he inserted a Win98 disc OS X refused to mount it. Ha ha to him i said.

Well, since installing the MBox, VPC screwed up and I tried to reinstall. Everything worked fine until I had to insert my Win98 cd in. Now MY os X refuses to mount the cd!

Does the MBox kill mac os x's support of mounting windows disks? Or is it just a strange coincidence? Is anyone here who has the MBox (or any other digi hardware) able to put a windows cd into their computer and mount with no probs? Cause otherwise having the MBox means i can't have VPC! And after forking out money for both I'm not a happy customer! wink.gif

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