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440 Forums _ Digidesign Mbox, Mbox2, 001, 002 etc. _ Mbox Volume

Écrit par : steelemike lun. 26 août 2002, 19:03

Hi Ya'll,
I can't get my Mbox to record or play hot enough with turning up all the way. Any suggestions? iBook system.

Also, how does one make cclick tracks play in PT LE with MBox and iBook.

Thanks for the input.


Écrit par : Synthetic lun. 26 août 2002, 20:37

first, what are you recording? have you tried using the preamps to pump up the volume? It may simply be the output of the synth or device you are trying to record doesn't use enough power to deliver a good line signal... this is what preamps are good for. I don't have Mbox but I have a Digi001 with preamps and use them to pump up levels of instruments that have low signals. The 2 inputs I have with preamps also have knobs that adjust the input level... does your Mbox have something similiar? It may just need some more gain that can be had by adjusting a couple of knobs. Also, there may be a button that turns the level from line level to mic level which may be part of the problem also. These are just guesses comparing your Mbox to my Digi001 which should be somewhat similiar I think. wink.gif

Écrit par : aladinsane lun. 26 août 2002, 20:37

if your using a mic, be sure to plug it in the XLR and not the TRS input, which won't give you enough gain and is for line input which comes in amplified. if your connections are correct, check the mic (or instrument), maybe the problem is there. if your using a battery powered mic it could be running low, and if not you may want to turn the Mbox phantom power on. and be sure to set the input gain high enough (but then you do want to avoid clipping).
last of all - read the manual (that is, if you havn't already done that).
hope I've been of any help.

Écrit par : Presto mar. 27 août 2002, 07:01

I've got an Mbox and ibook. I encountered the same problem at first too. Spose I hadn't done something right. Anyway the solution was to turn the phantom power off, unplug the usb lead from the computer, then plug it back. It should then work.

Suggest you open PT by clicking on the demo session. Pt should then open configured right.

It may be that you need phantom power for your mic, don't forget to press the top left hand button, just under the red 48V light. Turn all the knobs halfway (turn them up more only when you get the sound, as you don't want to blast your eardrums).

If the problem doesn't concern a 48V mic, you'll have to tell us what you've got hooked up.

Écrit par : Mr.T mar. 27 août 2002, 10:47

Also, how does one make cclick tracks play in PT LE with MBox and iBook.

That's one of the big deficiency in PT...There's no "internal" clic track available, you have to generate it using an external Midi device or QT instruments...pretty stupid...

Écrit par : rickenbacker mer. 28 août 2002, 11:23

There are also some people who say that USB-powered devices simply can't deliver the same sound levels as a DC-power-supply driven interface. I've heard that from several companies.

Écrit par : aladinsane mer. 28 août 2002, 12:01

the Mbox manual specificly says that the device should be plugged in it's own dedicated USB port and not in a hub port. doesn't that ensure it getting enough power to achieve a high sound level?
I used to record on an old yamaha 4 track tape deck, and the sound level I got then (with the same mics) was higher. does it have anything to do with recording to tape and not through an AD converter?

Écrit par : rickenbacker jeu. 29 août 2002, 11:51

I don't know - I wouldn't have thought it would make too much difference whether recording digitally or to tape. If you've got a hot signal, it should stay pretty hot on its way through your interface.

With the USB power thing, basically some companies make USB products with a power supply and make a fuss of USB bus-power not being enough. Other companies (like Digi with the Mbox) make USB-powered devices and don't really mention potential drawbacks, for obvious reasons.

The Mbox might well be happier in a USB port of its own, but if the hub is powered (like Griffin's new 4-Port Audio Hub) I don't see why it would matter. I've got one of these Griffins and none of my equipment seems to mind sharing!

Personally, I favour a steady AC power supply plugged into my audio interfaces, particularly if I'm going to be using condenser mics etc. You can't do that with the Mbox, I don't think.

Écrit par : damann dim. 1 sept. 2002, 03:40

griffin technologies ROCK! wink.gif
check the website, nothing here costs more than $50 and kicks the "pro" competition in the a#se... blink.gif

Écrit par : damann dim. 1 sept. 2002, 04:43

sorry, i should have mentioned pre-amps and /or compressors being used before the signal hits the computer. wink.gif
the usb side of things shouldn't affect the audio side, other than the fact that it SUC?S! rolleyes.gif
try increasing the memory partitions.
up the buffer!
nothing to laugh about really...

Écrit par : steelemike dim. 1 sept. 2002, 18:17

Thanks for all the great input on my MBox. This is a great service.
steelemike biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

Écrit par : Presto dim. 29 sept. 2002, 09:43

Time's gone by. Have you fixed your problem? My Mbox is LOUD!

Was the hub the culprit?

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