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440 Forums _ Digidesign Mbox, Mbox2, 001, 002 etc. _ Digidesign Mbox Users

Écrit par : Presto ven. 5 avril 2002, 12:47

I've ordered it and its on its way. I've got an ibook and Beyer DT250 phones.

My first problem is which mic(s)? Difficult!!

I need to record one track at a time: my baritone voice, children's even babies voices, and various banging, clanging, and clicking noises

I'm making a makeshift a recording 'studio' which will hopefully keep outside noise outside, and thanks to eggboxes etc will provide a good acoustic environment.

I'd also like to record outside and on the spur of the moment: baby babbling, countryside sounds, even the sea. An omni compact would be nice and light and good for ambience, but when I put the bits together in songs the nice background sounds will perhaps differ from one bit to the next. Is this really a problem?

With a limited budget I don't want to have to buy lots of different mics all costing at least 200 euros. Any ideas?

What are YOUR problems?

Écrit par : Presto mar. 9 avril 2002, 11:05

I know I'm not the only one. There are supposed to be a first 1000 Mboxes for Europe. Don't you have any over in America?

If you're waiting for it to be delivered (like me) you have time to chat. Maybe those who've got it are so engrossed they no longer have time ;-)))

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