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440 Forums _ Metro _ Os 9 Metro 5 On An Os X G4

Écrit par : dewolfm lun. 9 juin 2003, 01:13

The OS 9 Metro 5 program that runs fine on my G3 IMac refuses to play anything when the program is installed on my G4 PowerMac which boots in OS X but has OS 9 and Classic mode enabled. Other features seem okay and other OS 9 programs run fine. This is not just a case of no sound being produced; the little bar that tracks the notes being played doesn't move (although it seems to vibrate a bit) and the digital display stays at 00.00.00. Has anybody else encountered this problem, and what can be done about it? Thanks.

Écrit par : xingu lun. 9 juin 2003, 03:19

Your post isn't quite clear. Are you trying to run Metro 5 in Classic? From everything I've read, it's generally inadvisable to attempt running audio apps in Classic - AFAIK, if you get it to work, you're lucky and it probably won't last. So, your only option would be to either continue using true OS9 (by booting into it) or purchase new OSX software (that is, unless you are already using OS9 (not Classic), in which case, I can't really help you rolleyes.gif )

Écrit par : dixiechicken ven. 20 juin 2003, 12:26

Quite so, xingu are right on the money, audio-playback generally NEVER works in classic mode.
You can NOT as a general thing, work anything audio or midi-related in classic mode.
( probably not video either ).

At least for Audio & Midi, everything must work in "Native mode", ( aka written for OS X 10.2.6 )
In OS X it is very important you follow version number recommendations from Apple, Metro, Motu etc.
Thats recommendations from the manufacturers. Will save you a lot of un-necessary hassles.

Cheers: Dixiechicken

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