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440 Forums _ iMusic: iPod, iTunes, MP3 etc. _ Mac Music Downloading?

Écrit par : better dim. 13 janv. 2008, 12:16

What is the best recommended place to download music for mac? itunes is just too expensive even though it will be so convienent I just can't pay it. Is there anything better than Limewire? Is there anything that has a flat monthly rate or anything? This is so annoying.

Écrit par : deaconblue dim. 13 janv. 2008, 16:07

So, first, you do realize that Limewire or any other peer to peer service is theft. And that the people on this very forum where you are asking for help are the ones that you might be stealing from. If that is not clear, then let's hope it is now.

There are sites that have music that artists put their music on that is free. You can check, but the purpose is to share the music in an artistic form, i.e., podcasting, web radio , etc. Also,, but again, not a file sharing service.

As far as iTunes being too expensive @ 99˘ per track or even $7.99 and up for whole albums, your being on this site should mean that you are an artist, or musician, or engineer, or producer, or fan. If those prices are too expensive, what do you think a good price for someone's effort is?


Écrit par : Mac Daddy lun. 14 janv. 2008, 05:54


{Posted Yesterday, 04:07 PM
So, first, you do realize that Limewire or any other peer to peer service is theft. And that the people on this very forum where you are asking for help are the ones that you might be stealing from. If that is not clear, then let's hope it is now.}

Yo, deaconblue,
Wish I had your class and style. My message would have been filled with many "Nasty and Dirty Remarks".

As for "better"... Sigh...

Écrit par : jimdubpram lun. 14 janv. 2008, 13:27

Seems to me that a lot of music industry people put their promo cds up on peer to peer sites so that djs etc can download the tracks and then promote them through dances, parties and clubs in the hope that peeps will then want to buy a copy. It's a way of getting your music out there.
You can put your head in the sand or get mad but it is still gonna happen, It is human nature to want to get something for nothing ( which is entropically impossible). Just watch out for your karma!
I notice that this site is advertising Wiretap Studio, what do you think that it's for other than copying/recording music from the internet?
Check out;

Écrit par : frosty lun. 14 janv. 2008, 15:02

smile.gif checkout ..drumbeat i have been with the for over 4 yrs and i get tons of songs must pay a membership for a yr and then you can download all day long but i believe you must have at least 300 songs in your library..its all about sharing you can find songs from the 1800's to the drumbeat..and see for yourself. good luck

Écrit par : BoStar lun. 14 janv. 2008, 17:41

QUOTE (better @ Sun 13 Jan 2008, 11:16) *
What is the best recommended place to download music for mac? itunes is just too expensive even though it will be so convienent I just can't pay it. Is there anything better than Limewire? Is there anything that has a flat monthly rate or anything? This is so annoying.

People is too dammed spoiled these days... """Kids are getting fat playing video games""
when I was a kid there was this New song by Zep I wanted so bad it was not on any Album yet So I bought the 45. I got 2 songs for $1.49 that was 1978.
So 99 cents per song is Not Bad in 2008.

Écrit par : mortalengines mar. 15 janv. 2008, 01:40

This all depends on how picky you are as well. has free AUTHORIZED downloads but often it is from bands you have never heard of. There are quite a few more popular bands who will also release mp3s for free on the site. Alot of sites are on a subscription basis (Napster is one of them) and that doesn't sound like a bad idea either.

Écrit par : Mac Daddy mar. 15 janv. 2008, 07:56

{Seems to me that a lot of music industry people put their promo cds up on peer to peer sites so that djs etc can download the tracks and then promote them through dances, parties and clubs in the hope that peeps will then want to buy a copy. It's a way of getting your music out there.
You can put your head in the sand or get mad but it is still gonna happen, It is human nature to want to get something for nothing ( which is entropically impossible). Just watch out for your karma! }

jimdubpram, you know I love ya son, but... Do you hear yourself? music industry people. Hell, if I was making 10 million bucks selling CD's, getting Airplay Royalties and Touring I would be generous too. If you are refering to Prince, who was once a true Badd Ass, when he was working with his cousin (The real SOURCE of all Princes hits). Prince had to GIVE that tired, recycled, stolen, crap he is doing today away for free... It still aint selling. When was the last time you heard Prince on the Radio? Right...

Not everyone wants something for free, some, me for one, has learned that there is no such thing as something for nothing. How can you mention Karma and Stealing in the same breath? The most ABSURD thing I have heard this year.

Plus, why, would someone buy music if PEER TO PEER groups give it away? It becomes of no value.

I have paid my dues over many years learning and lifting my musical skills worked hard for my gear, hard and software. Why should I give it away FREE? If I was a non-musician, I guess I would be happy for anyone to listen, but non musicians music always sucks... You can't get magic from tragic. It is a Karma Thang.

Écrit par : deaconblue mar. 15 janv. 2008, 16:00


Seems to me that a lot of music industry people put their promo cds up on peer to peer sites so that djs etc can download the tracks and then promote them through dances, parties and clubs in the hope that peeps will then want to buy a copy. It's a way of getting your music out there.
You can put your head in the sand or get mad but it is still gonna happen, It is human nature to want to get something for nothing ( which is entropically impossible). Just watch out for your karma!
I notice that this site is advertising Wiretap Studio, what do you think that it's for other than copying/recording music from the internet?

jimdubpram, you're right. some artists put their stuff on Limewire and other p2p sites to get the word out. Even struggling bottom feeders like me (no I haven't but...). However, the reason is not because it is the best way, it is because for a long time it was the only way. With the advent of internet radio and podcasting (I am a podcaster and also run an internet radio site) and sites like MySpace, there are plenty of other options to spread the word about your music. And I believe they are better at doing so, especially since the majority of people hitting p2p sites are not looking for "deacon blue's" greatest hits, they are looking for Led Zeppelin's hits instead.

As to human nature... weak argument, my friend. It is human nature to kill those not like you, to promote genocide, rape, torture, murder, etc. Because many people do it does not make it right. And no, I am not placing stealing a song in the same category, just making a point.

Wiretap pro has many uses. Much like a gun. A gun can be used to hunt game and put food on your table (the best reason to have one) or it can be used (in the words of Lynrd Skynrd's "Mr. Saturday Night Special") "... got a barrel that's blue and cold. Ain't good for nuthin', but put a man 6 feet in a hole...".

I know of plenty of people who use WireTap to record from their USB mics and capture their rehearsals, their music lessons, etc.

People is too dammed spoiled these days... """Kids are getting fat playing video games""
when I was a kid there was this New song by Zep I wanted so bad it was not on any Album yet So I bought the 45. I got 2 songs for $1.49 that was 1978.
So 99 cents per song is Not Bad in 2008.

BoStar, you just dated yourself. And me along with ya. I am right there. I used to have multiple copies of all my favorite songs. Buy the 45 'cause the album wasn't out yet. End up with two copies when the album hit the shelves. Oh and then when you wore that vinyl out playing it over and over trying to cop a Jimmy Page riff for your very own, go out and buy another copy.

And I think that frosty and mortalengines both nailed it. There are sites out there where the sole purpose is to get new music for free that is on the net strictly to promote new talent. Going to the South Park Music Festival in 2006 was what prompted me to get off my arse and get back in the studio and start self promoting. Independent music is where it is at. There is so much talent (and I have heard some of the songs of people on this forum that just blow me away as well) yet untapped only because Sony, BMG, EMI, Electra, Capitol, etc. (ok I just dated myself again with that list) don't think you sound enough like Britney or Justin to take a risk on you. Their loss.

MacDaddy, you know I hold you in high regard. I agree, you get what you pay for (or don't). And, in the big picture, in the words of John Lennon,

"...Instant karmas gonna get you
Gonna look you right in the face
Better get yourself together darlin
Join the human race
How in the world you gonna see
Laughin at fools like me
Who in the hell dyou think you are
A super star
Well, right you are

Well we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Well we all shine on
Evryone come on..."

Plus, a part of our agreement we 'signed' when creating our accounts on MacMusic was to not post illegal software nor copyrighted materials. That p2p sites are not 'here' does not make it any more 'right' to recommend their use to infringe on the rights of others.

sorry for the soap box. Just a topic near and dear to me (obviously).

peace. Y'all have a great day.

Écrit par : jimdubpram mer. 16 janv. 2008, 00:07

Well I knew that would get y'all going.

So when your mate got the new Led Zep album and you had a spare C90 in your cassette player you sure as hell(or heaven) didn't go round and record it from his record player?

For cassette player read computer
For record player read internet.

This is global consciousness breaking out. Everything miniaturizes, everything becomes more sophisticated. All knowledge becomes available. Music being one of the major creative forces of the universe is the leading edge of the future wave. It can be muffled up behind your cash register, but hey now what's that sound, everybody wants what's going round. And everybody can now knock up a tune on their DAW. The cat is out of the bag folks. Instead of having to contort your body to make a tune you just have to train your fingertips.
Beauty is in the ear of the listener.
And by the way, I agree, stealing is still stealing.

Écrit par : deaconblue mer. 16 janv. 2008, 04:36

QUOTE (jimdubpram @ Tue 15 Jan 2008, 17:07) *
Well I knew that would get y'all going.

So when your mate got the new Led Zep album and you had a spare C90 in your cassette player you sure as hell(or heaven) didn't go round and record it from his record player?


And by the way, I agree, stealing is still stealing.

I knew you were stirring the pot. well done... well played.

... 8-)

When the first Zep album I wanted came out, cassettes were just like computers. A thing of the future... 8-tracks were as close as it got and no one I knew had an 8 track recording deck...

But, yes. Copying an album to a cassette... I did for myself. Unfortunately I was the one who wanted the album enough to buy them, and the 8 track ... and then copy the LP to cassette for my car after I could afford both the cassette deck and the car stereo with a cassette in it. Purely portable.

However, slight difference, although only one of scale, since if I copied an album to cassette and handed it to a friend. It went one step. Again, time frame, no one had cassette duping decks then. Now, put it on your hard drive, launch Limewire or other p2p software, share it with thousands upon thousands of faceless IPs. And you know what? That cassette shared with a friend usually resulted in tickets to the concert for the both of us and the vinyl being purchased by the friend to play on their own turntable at home.

I hear the argument. And agree with it to an extent. The RIAA and the record labels decried cassettes when they came out as the end of the music industry. They were wrong. They cried the same thing when MP3s hit. They were wrong. MP3s and even file sharing have not hurt the industry. The industry's inability to adjust to the paradigm shift in the way people got their music is what has hurt the industry's bottom line.

That and offering up the same pabulum to the masses while ignoring true talent at every turn because instead of a label spending the time and money to nurture an artist, the majority of them now only look to how many units the artist can move 'this quarter'. Not long term. In the next 3 months. Because it has gotten to be a short term game.

I personally think that the way to go is to release albums as free MP3 downloads on the artists' sites (Darren Watson just did this with his "King Size" and Doyle Bramhall II did it with "Welcome" and Radiohaed just did it with "Rainbow" on a pay as much as you want, even free). Then sell a DVD with full liner notes, artwork, lyrics, special features, etc. The MP3s will drive the demand. The DVD will take care of the bottom line. And, hopefully, will provide a chance for artists that don't fit a specific mold to get their voice heard since labels wouldn't be risking as much to promote an artist by having their music available in a less than pristine iteration (anyone really think any MP3 or other 'lossless' format sounds great?) will drive demand for a good quality copy.

Besides, I'd much rather hear an artist's 8-10 best tracks for this round rather than 18 mediocre tracks cobbled together to meet some contractual obligation.

Only one thing more to say... ROCK ON! Be responsible. And, follow the golden rule (no, not 'he who has the gold makes the rules...', the other one...)


Écrit par : Mac Daddy mer. 16 janv. 2008, 06:01

I really love 440...

The Members are Creative & Clever... Deadly combination...

BTW Prince used to be my Hero until he showed up in Hamburg and stole 200 Euros from me... Most crappy Concert I have ever been to... The only thing good was Maceo Parker and a fine female on sax (Must have been Maceo's.... Student).

If you ever hear about someone who has been jailed and is being sued by Prince for kicking him in his cute lil butt... It's me... Unless he gives me my 200 back! I know, I'm an idiot.

Écrit par : Mac Daddy mer. 16 janv. 2008, 11:00

Pocket-sized and power-packed, iGTR delivers the real sound of guitar amps and effects, anytime, anyplace. Strap it on, plug in your axe, hook up headphones or speakers, and you’re ready to rock. Connect iGTR to your mp3 player and play along with your favorite tunes, or chain together 2 iGTRs to jam with friends—any time of the day or night without waking the neighbors! At home. At the beach. Between classes. On the road. On the go. Wherever inspiration strikes, iGTR is ready. Contact your Waves dealer or visit our online store for details today.

I have no idea of how it sounds, but it is endorsed by some serious Guitarist. And it has the Waves name.

I watched the Video and wow! Cost $100.00 or about 60 Euros.

Most importantly, no hissssssssssssssssssssssssss. Smile

Écrit par : jimdubpram mer. 16 janv. 2008, 22:01

QUOTE (Mac Daddy @ Wed 16 Jan 2008, 06:01) *
I really love 440...

The Members are Creative & Clever... Deadly combination...

BTW Prince used to be my Hero until he showed up in Hamburg and stole 200 Euros from me... Most crappy Concert I have ever been to... The only thing good was Maceo Parker and a fine female on sax (Must have been Maceo's.... Student).

If you ever hear about someone who has been jailed and is being sued by Prince for kicking him in his cute lil butt... It's me... Unless he gives me my 200 back! I know, I'm an idiot.

QUOTE (Mac Daddy @ Wed 16 Jan 2008, 06:01) *
I really love 440...

The Members are Creative & Clever... Deadly combination...

BTW Prince used to be my Hero until he showed up in Hamburg and stole 200 Euros from me... Most crappy Concert I have ever been to... The only thing good was Maceo Parker and a fine female on sax (Must have been Maceo's.... Student).

If you ever hear about someone who has been jailed and is being sued by Prince for kicking him in his cute lil butt... It's me... Unless he gives me my 200 back! I know, I'm an idiot.

Forget Prince. I never yet met an honest royal!
This'll make you smile :
Love you too 'Dad'

Écrit par : mortalengines jeu. 17 janv. 2008, 00:54

My last two cents worth, I swear. People are willing to buy good music. I have been to and found myself paying for the full length CD after hearing a couple of mp3s (Blonde Redhead, Radiohead, Peaches....the list goes on). Giving away a song or two can often whet the appetite of the consumer. There is no shame in this. I actually get 13 cents per download from Napster of my own material. Better than nothing. A funny thing about home made cassettes.....I never could seem to hang on to them. They always wound up lost (probably under the seat of a friends car) or loaned and never returned. The good music I wound up buying in the end. I have shelled out hard earned cash for every Led Zeppelin recording (often buying the same release twice) available. I just bought the Zepp 3 and Presence CD reissues (they sound incredible by the way). I also just bought 2 copies of Radiohead's new CD (one for me and one for a certain young lady I am trying to "butter up"....wish me luck).

Écrit par : pushtobreak jeu. 17 janv. 2008, 04:36

The real argument stems with the concept of ownership. How does anyone own anything? Certainly we all come to this universe with inalienable equal rights to all things it has to offer. However, humans have created their own construct for how things should be divided up. I personally, would love everything to be shared equally, at least in my theoretical, utopian mind but, this is not our reality. One could make the argument that if I could fight off or perhaps kill anyone trying to enter a piece of land I am holding, that it would be mine...since that's how all land ownership originally came into being. This of course would lead the "authorities" to come kill catch or arrest me and quickly put a stop to my actions. This is because we have these things called laws. Laws are very complicated many I don't understand or even appreciate. However, they exist to serve us the citizens and of course the powers that be. Laws are actually the way that those folks who took the land to begin with manage to keep it!...But, they don't really need the laws as they could always just use force which is what they do when the laws don't work for one reason or another. In any case back in our utopian minds these laws stem from the idea of civilization. The idea that we can have a human contract, an agreement, that we will stick to in good other words our "word". This is the foundation for all civilization. In ancient times your "word" was paramount to your worth as a human and telling a lie was sufficient grounds for death, as it reduced you to nothing more than an animal. Of course, people lie all the time and people steal and people disagree with the laws but, for the most part people are honest and law abiding.

Why should someone pay for something they can get for free?
Many people do not like paying taxes but still do. Some people cheat a little, some a lot and some don't pay at all! So why do people pay? Two reasons, they know it's the right thing to do and fear of getting caught by the authorities. So, in the case of the illegal file sharing we'll assume that people doing it don't see anything wrong with it (seemingly wanting to harm the very people who's content they desire/appreciate or perhaps just not realizing that it does so). Since they are however, breaking the law the authorities will act to protect those who's properties are taken. As in the wild west it is hard to catch criminals in a new arena where they have the advantage but, they will catch a few and make examples of them. However unpopular this may be it will deter the average person from joining in the free for all. It does seem to me that the average person has conceded to the fact that a song is worth 99 cents and that taking it for free is not right. I don't agree with a lot of things in this world but, if someone is asking a price for something they created I would honor that even if I could just take it free...I mean after all if the physical ability to take something is really all that matters then bullies and thugs rule, which in reality they do but, in my idealistic world good prevails over evil and we still have a human contract. Unfortunately, the ultimate authority chain goes like this nukes, large weapons, armies, laws, guns...down to hand to hand combat and then there is bickering which is what we do here.

All ownership is questionable but, hey, I think if I took something of yours you probably wouldn't like it. Yes, ideas are patentable and intellectual property does exist and is protected by law whether one likes it or not. This is connected to every facet of our society.

Écrit par : Mac Daddy jeu. 17 janv. 2008, 06:31


Thanks for the:

I enjoyed it very much. I'm grinning so much my ugly face broke.

So the 440 Members can understand our inside joke: "Forget Prince. I never yet met an honest royal!"

I call myself, King.

jimdubpramgaragebandman, naughty, naughty, naughty. LOL.

Écrit par : Mac Daddy jeu. 17 janv. 2008, 07:13

pushtobreak. I've heard it before, although your Post was/is presented in an articulate manner are you saying:

Even though I spent 40 years learning music, paying dues, composing original musical ideas, lyrics, spentd my hard earn cash purchasing Hardware and Legal Software. It's alright for someone to just take it FREE?

Tell you what. If I found one of my songs were stolen and on someones iPod or whatever, I would take and keep that iPod. I'm very "Street" when it comes to justice. I would not take the thief to court, I would take their iPod. If they protested they would either have to kick my butt to get it back or take me to court. If the court sided with them, I would do time for assault. I will give or share what is mine, but if you take/steal from me, I feel 100% justified in bringing pure physical pain. I think I'm either going to jail or I'll have plenty of iPods for sale...

"Grasshopper San, foul-play would prove hazzardous to your health, especially when dealing with an angry opinionate elder. I would rather die than continue living knowing someone ripped me off. I don't negotiate with Music Terrorist. Om" (I'm joking about the Om, but nothing else)

Écrit par : jimdubpram ven. 18 janv. 2008, 17:03


I felt so inspired I have mixed him into a tune. You can check it here:

The song is 'Talkin Rasta Man Blues'



Écrit par : pushtobreak ven. 18 janv. 2008, 18:17

Mac Daddy,
It's quite funny, I was actually arguing for exactly the opposite. I too have spent many years now as a professional musician, spent a lot of money on gear and other peoples music. ('79-93 non-prof, '93-present pro, major label releases and last year, incredibly, a Grammy nomination). I hate the idea of people stealing music, which is what I believe it is unless the author has decided to give it away. I guess my argument was so obtuse that it was unclear (I can understand why as I have always been fairly anti-establishment.) But, as you pointed out and was my original point, the law of the "streets" is what is reality, or maybe that should be "jungle" or "might is right". Something I learned growing up in the streets of Brooklyn: someone always has a meaner older brother or crazier uncle or bigger baseball bat or even a gun that will change your mind. Law enforcement is nothing more than an extension of that concept but, it is there to serve the citizens, who hopefully have helped elect and push for laws that protect their interests. It is also an extension of the human contract. I do believe that if people who have a stake in losing their property continue to fight for what is theirs they will win...after all what is the argument for the other side? "music should be free"? How can anyone expect us to accept that? Yes, I believe my music is my property just like the owner of a patent, the author of a book or creator of software etc...our entire society is based on this. (At this point I could go on about the flaws of capitalism and the benefits of socialized medicine etc..but let's just say we deserve fair compensation for creative and technical achievements that benefit mankind. So, if someone could create enough funding for the arts that I didn't need to "sell" my music that would be fine by me too...but, until then...)

Taking a persons iPod isn't going to stop illegal downloading. The law is a much better threat. Hell, we pay taxes so laws will be enforced so, we don't have to go to jail to have justice... and while I don't necessarily like the idea, the government could kill or even Nuke someone for us and get away with it. Okay there I go again...anyway, read the last paragraph of what I wrote again, I think at least that's clear. unsure.gif

Écrit par : Mac Daddy sam. 19 janv. 2008, 07:03

pushtobreak a Grammy Nomination... You da man fo sho!

Please forgive my rantings, I don't know what I am saying more than half the time, just talkin loud and saying nothing. Regarding Laws, I know too well that the laws do very little to protect the innocent and decent. Regarding my: Taking iPods, that was 50/50. What the heck am I going to do with all those iPods anyway? Smile.

The wheels of justice turn very slow, I'm somewhat vigilante with criminals. I have interfered with many crimals acts over the years, especially growing up in New York and living in the States during the turbulent sixties and being black. It's amazing I am still alive, not even counting drugs. rolleyes.gif

If a rapist touched one of my children, I'll cut it off and leave them to bleed to death and wait for the police to arrive. Because the Laws will protect the Rapist. It's almost as crazy as George Bush talking about peace selling 20 BILLION dollars worth of Arms to the Saudis. Bin Ladins "Home"...

I just cannot live with myself knowing I can do something and don't. I have served time in Sing-Sing for Arson during the Riots of 1968. Out of a 100,000 prisoners, I was the only one incarcerated for a Revolutionary Act. Something I am very proud of and I'd do it again. What did I burn down? An Electronic Company that made parts for guided missles. Served 16 months. It's where I learned to play the guitar. Swear on my children this is the truth.

Laws are not made to protect the innocent. Law can be bought. Enron? OJ? Mugabe? You may have gotten a Grammy Nomination but you ain't walked in my shoes and have seen through my eyes.

440 Members I sincerely apologize for these stupid posts. I really am sorry, but, my gear is all working perfectly and I have too much free time on my hands that I should be devoting to mixin n fixin.

Écrit par : Mac Daddy sam. 19 janv. 2008, 07:48

pushtobreak, one mo thang... In 1979 there was no longer a movement. The only movement was on the Disco floor. Many died to make that happen. The US is one of the most backward racist countries on Earth. I left that dump 30 years ago and have seen and learned the truth. America sucks. Everyone on Earth knows it except America. How stupid can it be to have George Bush in charge? Eight years! Don't come in my face with LAW as your argument. Tell it to New Orleans.

Regarding Guns, Cousins, Brothers, etc. So what. Some people, me for one, would rather die fighting than crawl living.

Law!!! What about the Lawful Bombing of women and children? Really, if you desire a lesson from a REAL Revolutionary contact me via Personal Message and I will glady explain some facts. Yes, Brooklyn. I remember Brooklyn from the 1950's. I will change my air travel plans if the airline even flies over Brooklyn. It used to be a great place. Now... Pleeeeeeeeeeeze!

Regarding Grammy Nominations... I have heard very few good songs Nominated in the last 10 years.

Grammy's don't really mean a thing to me, I was being supportive regarding your Nomination. 80% of the music today sucks, maybe 90%. It's not about who has the best LYRICS, it's who has the best GIMMICKS. It's not about the best ARPEGGIO it's about the best VIDEO.

I will stop, because this is going to get very ugly and all the cousins, big brothers and guns can't protect or hides the truth.

Écrit par : pushtobreak dim. 20 janv. 2008, 09:00

Mac Daddy,
Don't blame me.
...I hate what America has become and I have never been impressed by, or even watched the Grammy's. We got our Grammy nod for having a band, that against all lack of commercial viability, managed to stay together for 15 years. I was just trying to illustrate that I was not some arm chair musician.

-I meant laws are "supposed" to work. I was talking much more broadly about human civilization not specifically about the US. Certainly wherever you are now they have laws and while they may not all work, they are necessary .

-violence begets violence. Bombs are bombs, through law or otherwise. I abhor violence, mine or anyone else's (but I have to tip my hat to you for the guided missle arson). cool.gif

-I'd say at least half of America knows it sucks.
-There are actually quite a few countries that are more backwards and racist than the US.
-Yes, music is mostly crap now.
-Don't dump on Brooklyn. NYC is still great even if it sucks!*
-George Bush is an idiot

Just for the record 1979 Punk Rock, that's what I was doing in NYC. The single I made at 15 can be bought on ebay for $200+. The people who buy that obviously aren't interested in an MP3. I still get $0 from it's sale. sad.gif I played drums with 2Pac, voted #2 Live Rap Performance on MTV and recorded with Curtis Mayfield (Now I'm just tooting my horn but if I don't who will)....
(BTW Happy MLK Jr Day!)

Right now I'm watching a Soul Train rerun from the 70's on Channel 11...Minnie Riperton is lipsyncing "Loving You" biggrin.gif

*Don't feel you have to read this but, reading what you wrote made me think of this. The Brooklyn I grew up in was mostly beat to shit. Packs of feral dogs, abandoned burnt out cars, broken glass, poverty, gangs, drugs. Yet, somehow, I'm still nostalgic for the good old days although, by all accounts it's much better now. It used to have so much more character. At around 7 years old me and a few friends were confronted by an enraged neighborhood gang seeking retribution on some local teens. The leader was carrying a sawed off shotgun and beat one of the guys I was with over the head with it repeatedly asking "Are you a mother f***er!..." That along with other similar incidents didn't fill me with a lot of hope for fighting back. I'm still somehow nostalgic. I always wished I lived in the 60's but I got the 70's.

Écrit par : Mac Daddy lun. 21 janv. 2008, 09:39


Not only did I read your letter, I have copied it and am pasting it in textedit. Man, you touched me deep. We must turn this magic into music and maybe even money. I got the time and tools. I can write music, lyrics or sing. So, lets create pushtobreak, instead of composing Posts, lets compose music? Minnie Ripperton. The one and only. Sigh.

Sorry about my anger about America's stupidity, it's just that it's kind of, ummm, screw up the Planet. Worst, I used to be able to walk into any place in Europe and as an American I was automatically "In". Now, people are less open. Bush has interfered with "Da Bush"... No it's not the fact that I sit around in a bathrobe for days mixing and fixing. On the days I venture from my domain I actually wash. Leaving the Studio is a big event for me. I'm goin outside, I'm goin outside. People I only see in passing get to see and smell not fresh. My poor wife sees the bathrobe smelly guy who is send this message.

I was born and raised in New York. You are my "Home Boy" in the true sense of the word. I am going to get intouch with you right now. I have been in touch with another 440 and it has been one of the best things that has happened this new year, now this possibility. I'm infused with inspiration...

pushtobreak, thank you for saying and being, I am going to send you a message now: Ain't No Stopping Us Now

Écrit par : Mac Daddy lun. 21 janv. 2008, 10:24


you are 100% or as the kids say: "I'm scared of you"...

Punk Rock 1979. Then you'd know some old buddies of mine The New York Dolls? Just the mention of their name makes my ears ring. Damn were they loud. No, really, really, truthfully, awfully loud. I have never heard a louder band in my life.

I was friend with some people in the village who rented Sunn Equipment and they also had a Reheasal Studio. I was the Opening Act for the Dolls only once, they were not as good as my polished funk and soul band, but they blew us into the far regions of audio. Guitar Hum, Hiss? You cannot imagine. We were playing this small place and it was packed with more gear than A Deep Purple Concert at Madison Square Garden. They actually played well, but you couldn't hear anyting but Power. I could feel my afro and bell bottom pants moving as if I was in a hurricane.

Écrit par : hahaworld lun. 21 janv. 2008, 22:21

You know what sucks? Reading anti-American sermons on a music discussion website.

Écrit par : jimdubpram mar. 22 janv. 2008, 00:55

QUOTE (hahaworld @ Mon 21 Jan 2008, 22:21) *
You know what sucks? Reading anti-American sermons on a music discussion website.

Well I know it's supposed to be all techy an' that on this forum, but I am quite enjoying the diversion into the personal. I'ts all very intriguing, grammy nominated punk band together for 15 years, can you give us a few more clues?

Écrit par : Mac Daddy mar. 22 janv. 2008, 07:58

hahaworld I apologize for such activities. Won't do it again. Promise.

How is your new Computer doing? Have not seen you say much after you traded your Quad. Hope all is well and you are creating music and not dealing with tech issues.

My system is Solid. Not a problem. Hence I had time to write heaps of stupid stuff voicing about illegal downloads and how Bush screwed up the Planet and won two terms, eight years... It's crazy. Sorry.

Écrit par : Mac Daddy mar. 22 janv. 2008, 08:26


I have been in touch with the brother and he is awesome... When he mentioned Punk I had to give him my experience working with The New York Dolls... My hurt at the mention of their name. In my entire life I have never heard a band as loud as the New York Dolls... They could actually play very well, but all your heard and felt was POWER. Guitar Hum and Hiss like yiu never heard.

Écrit par : pushtobreak mar. 22 janv. 2008, 18:01

OK...this has gone way off topic...though it has been fun.
A few final words on this post.
I'm just a cpu-jockey like everyone else here. I' m proud of what I've accomplished and when I think about it I almost don't believe it myself. The truth is in the end 99% of the time people don't know me from Adam.

Mac Daddy, I just saw The Dolls recently. They still rock hard and brought me right back. They still have an animal energy to their show. I had that same feeling like I didn't know what could happen next. That feeling of being on the edge.

My wife also only ever sees the unwashed side of me. (She's a saint). I now am working with my newest buddy who is 4 months old. He is my muse and my foil. Anyway, my plate is full yet I still always feel less than the Jones'. I'm trying to plow through an endless "to do" list that just keeps getting longer so, when my wife asks why I'm making posts on discussion forums I know what she's getting at. Hopefully, I'll be in Hamburg or at least some part of Germany with the band sometime again...I'll try to look you up when I am.

I have been drawn in a few times by the illegal download discussion. It is complicated but, I'm motivated by the fact that I am a professional who is just scraping by while watching entire industries being created with the use of uncompensated content. As I've looked at it more I've tried to break it down, in my mind, to the most basic components. Ownership/property, commerce, law. Those are pretty much the players as I see it. We need more intelligent discussion of this topic with more voices on the professional composers side. The web is filled with lopsided lame arguments/discussions for why "music should be free".
Many artists, myself included, are worried about being ostracized by the public like Lars Ulrich was for being anti-piracy. I've heard of "give the people what they want" but this is more like: "give the people what they want or else!..." The argument usually ends with what can roughly be translated to "well you can't stop me from downloading files for free" Which only illustrates the intent and acknowledgment of stealing.

I am not anti-American just because I say America sucks...It might be hard to understand but, this is my country, this what I am from. Everything about me (and the half of the country that thinks we have been going in the wrong direction) is American. We are entitled to think things could be better and to criticize and not be called unpatriotic or anti-American. In fact that's what America is founded on "Freedom of speech" So, you are free to say what you will but, you are wrong to call it "anti-American".
You are right that it doesn't belong on this forum so, I apologize for that.

Écrit par : hahaworld mer. 23 janv. 2008, 07:11

Dear MacDaddy,

So far, the MacPro they gave me as a replacement for that horrid G5 is working well. The only problems I have had have had to do with Leopard, which came pre-installed on the machine. Some of my software hasn't caught up with it yet, but so far, everyone but Steinberg's Virtual Guitarist and Synthogy's Ivory has told me they will be supporting Leopard very soon. I've got friends who are using Ivory on their Leopard MacPros, but I can't make it work yet. I picked up a copy of Acoustik Piano, which to my ear sounds even better than Ivory. I just got word that Ivory will have Upright Pianos in the near future, which sounds pretty cool. Right now, though, I'm using Akoustic Piano, and it's beautiful. I'm very excited about the PLAY version of EastWest Platinum symphony. I haven't been able to use it since I got the MacPro, but the folks at EastWest assure me it's coming soon. I think they just debuted it at NAMM. I'm fairly drooling in expectation, because I love the EastWest sounds. I've gotten the window shade of death about once every three weeks on this machine. Not sure why, but a force-restart seems to set things right again.

As for my "preaching" comments, you guys feel free to rant all you want. We should all take advantage of the freedom of speech while we can. You can't just say whatever you want just any old where in the world. Truth is, I was already in a bad mood when I stumbled on that thread, and a little free speech just tumbled out of me, too.

Écrit par : Mac Daddy jeu. 24 janv. 2008, 06:07

hahaworld I have missed seeing your name in the Posts. But I'm glad you are functioning again. Your experiences broke my heart. I remember your enthusiasm when you got your Quad. You were the first to have one in 440. We all let out a collective: Ooooooh. Aaaaaaah I said: Go on wit ya badd self. The story went from magic to tragic. I'm glad you are up again, even if it's not 100%.

You are going to turn out the brightest of all. The greater the pressure the more brilliant the diamond... You were under tremendous pressure, you never cracked. I would have been crying like the little sissy girl I am. Plus I would be in a German Jail for throwing the Quad through the Retailers Window... It would have saved me from my heart exploding. As long as I could take my Laptop to prison I would be alright. Plus I would have several months to fix my mix....

Glad you are almost back...

Your brother in Harlemburg

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