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440 Forums _ iMusic: iPod, iTunes, MP3 etc. _ Itunes (did I Stutter?)

Écrit par : jasonelectric sam. 15 avril 2006, 20:19

hey, everyone. i was just wondering if you can help me figure something out. i have some of my old dance mix cds from way back when and i still like to listen to them, but the cds have been through years and years of use, travel, parties, etc. so i have them in my itunes so i can listen to them every once in a while. well, i wanted to burn some of these to disc, but even with having 0 pause between songs, there's a slight stutter or pause. which has never really bothered me on regular cds but when i want to hear a seamless mix, i don't want even that split-sec of interruption. does anyone know what to do. is there some secret place in iTunes preferences that i've missed, or should i use a different program for burning. i know i could copy my cds directly with toast, but the cds are in storage at my folks house along with most of my other old stuff. any tips would be great!

Écrit par : synfever dim. 16 avril 2006, 00:18

The first thing that pops into mind is using MP3trimmer to put all mp3s of said mix together in one timeline and thus eliminating the annoying "stutter" that i-tunes introduces when it switches between songs from a continous mix.

(But this might be a complicated solution for a simple problem.)

Écrit par : jasonelectric mar. 18 avril 2006, 17:20

thanks, i may try that. i just thought there would be a WAY simpler way of doing that.

Écrit par : straydog mer. 19 avril 2006, 14:57

Have you tried using Toast's "Audio CD" mode (not disk copy since you can't do that) and setting the gap to 0 secs? Don't know if it works better than iTunes, but....

Écrit par : jasonelectric mer. 19 avril 2006, 16:24

yeah, i tried that. it's a bit better, DEFINITELY. i may just end up using that. there's still a tiny stutter, but it doesn't seem to be too bad

Écrit par : jimdubpram mer. 19 avril 2006, 23:57

How about opening a project in Garage Band and dragging your cd files onto different tracks. You could arrange them to play seamlessly, crossfade or even mix beats and effects between tracks.
Then import back into itunes as one file. cool.gif

Écrit par : jasonelectric jeu. 20 avril 2006, 03:15

that's a good idea!! i had actually thought of that, but does anyone know how to set it (maybe with toast or another burning software) so i can have track points (that way it's not just one continuous track)?

Écrit par : DANO10 jeu. 20 avril 2006, 14:49

Hey Jasonelectric

You need JAM, a companion program to TOAST. In JAM you can load your tracks and have zero space between them, cross fade them, have 20" between them all with index points. Also, you can adjust the level between them in 1/10th of a db increments. Very cool.

DANO10 cool.gif

Écrit par : jasonelectric ven. 21 avril 2006, 06:08

DANO10 you rock my socks!!!! thanks for the info! that's EXACTLY what i'm looking for! oh.... HAHA i just picked up on the companion for toast being named JAM. too funny.

Écrit par : Gojinx ven. 21 avril 2006, 06:24

If you have Logic Pro, then it came with Waveburner which, in my opinion is better then JAM. You can add or remove track Ids-add plug ins to various tracks-or to the whole project. You can also visually adjust crossfades between tracks-jump anywhere between tracks with a mouse click (no need to enter time values as in JAM) to check levels.

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