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440 Forums _ Suggestions, Feedback, Bugs... _ Slowing Down Access...

Écrit par : Levon River lun. 21 avril 2003, 20:31


I'll write up a retrospective, a rememberance, a eulogy in a few months and post it in free forums.


Écrit par : lepetitmartien lun. 21 avril 2003, 23:57

Levon, you are free to come and to go away, just don't think that hosting on the internet is a free thing. It isn't.

And we have to find a way to provide the hosting fee (about $5000/year for hosting only) in some way. We are not the only independant forum/ressource on the net with these problems, we chose a solution that has given already about 7 months of hosting ahead (and hodting fees are not the only problem we have). It may not be the best solution but we asked for inputs and didn't have a lot of realistic ones. We are still searching for a less money hungry hosting but with the technical needs we have it is very difficult. We are a BIG site, and all the team is doing it for free.

A lot of other sites have exactly the same problems as us, the totally free internet is a lure or you are a billionaire. sad.gif

You can still win your active membership thru help provided to the site:
- links and their updates
- news
- articles

2 members on the french part won in 2 months their AM status only by translating 15 news.

(hint hint)

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