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440 Forums _ Comments _ PowerMac G5 line updated: dual 1.8G G5 introduced

Écrit par : news mar. 18 nov. 2003, 19:10

Comments about:

Écrit par : boze mar. 18 nov. 2003, 19:10

Half way there!

just gotta get that dualie in the low end model and the G5 will be a good choice for any audio person.

Écrit par : KaiKProd mer. 19 nov. 2003, 02:02

I really don't think they will bring out dual 1.6GHz models as the system is quite different (i.e. standard pci, only 4GB RAM capacity..) Apple will wait for a dual 2.2 or something like that so that the 1.8 will be the bottom model.

Écrit par : boze mer. 19 nov. 2003, 05:12

right, good point- that's what i meant anyway: for the low end to be dual at some point. hope they don't stick with sp at the low end like they went back to doing with the G4 towers at the end.

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