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440 Forums _ Comments _ Logic Pro Updates Delayed

Écrit par : news ven. 27 févr. 2004, 21:34

Comments about:

Écrit par : isomakcb ven. 27 févr. 2004, 21:34

AHHH And I went and unlocked my plug-ins hoping i'd have pro by the time they're up. GRUMBLE!

Écrit par : guest_Howard sam. 13 mars 2004, 18:09

By not providing owners of Logic Pro and upgrade option from OS9 to OSX, Apple (and to some extent Emagic) has turned a professional product into a joke. No professional would consider it a professional package if there is a MAJOR revision across incompatible operating systems, and no upgrade option is provided. The idiot who manages the Emagic products at Apple should be fired. Delayed? Give me a break. This is poor management of assets, poor customer support, poor product planning, and a complete let down for all owners of Logic. If you are as ticked off as I am...let Apple (and the absolute idiot managing the product line) how you feel. Go to their website and let them know.

Écrit par : guest_Craig sam. 13 mars 2004, 18:30

Rob Schoeben should be fired from Apple for not provided an OSX upgrade. I've invested over $2K for Logic and the plugins, and I have no way of going to OSX.

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