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440 Forums _ Comments _ Mac OS X 10.5.5 available

Écrit par : News jeu. 18 sept. 2008, 01:09

Comments about:

Mac OS X 10.5.5 available

Écrit par : arvidtp jeu. 18 sept. 2008, 01:09

max/msp, logic, mainstage and motu ultralite seem to be working just the same here...

Écrit par : lepetitmartien jeu. 18 sept. 2008, 03:56

As usual, use the combo and not the auto-update. I tried via update for once and had some little quirks, the combo cleaned them.

Écrit par : lepetitmartien ven. 19 sept. 2008, 04:38

No problem so far on Logic 8 and FCP.
No issue whatsoever on my macbook and on a teamer's Mac Pro.

Écrit par : makaala sam. 20 sept. 2008, 06:36

Thanks for the 10.5.5 comment. I am terrified of new updates.. they always promise something then.. you spend days sorting out the mess. Logic and FCP are my main apps and wanted to hear some news about the update. Anyone else? G5 dual 2.0 8Gigs ram

Écrit par : lepetitmartien mar. 23 sept. 2008, 02:17

No other news at the moment, which is good news. Note it is a bug fix update so it's quite normal.

I'd wait still a little before jumping in as we have still no news of G5 systems.

Écrit par : mortalengines mar. 23 sept. 2008, 07:33

I just updated and Ableton Live 7 with Reason 4 as a Rewire Slave (and a whole bunch o' Waves Plugs on inserts and busses) seem to be working A-OK (whew)!

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