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440 Forums _ Comments _ Top Ten Mac Audio Freebies

Écrit par : articles jeu. 11 août 2005, 14:44

Comments about:

Écrit par : dnigrin jeu. 11 août 2005, 14:44

Don't forget Jack OS X ( Although covering some of the same ground as Soundflower, it's also more flexible, includes AU and VST plugs, as well as audio-over-IP... Free and open source!

Écrit par : ourmanflinty mer. 17 août 2005, 13:59

Anyone else got any freebie delights to add to this??

Écrit par : Schack mer. 17 août 2005, 23:00

Yep, check out Musolomo at - amazing sampler/looper for live use, if you can figure out how to use it...

Écrit par : ArolaMorre jeu. 18 août 2005, 12:14

Dont forget Line In:

Écrit par : arvidtp lun. 26 sept. 2005, 02:04

if u are doin freebies, how about the big mother - - the open source DAW with a functioning beta now released for OS X! It, like, works! (if you install and start jackOSX first of course) and hosts many VST plugs, though not yet with their native interfaces. I also think some of the mac key commands are not working at the moment, but the situation should do nothing but improve.

Écrit par : straydog sam. 10 déc. 2005, 12:22

Hmmm, agreed although I would also add the great "Ambience" reverb:

(It actually is very power-hungry, but there is a quality setting that can lighten things up for your processor. To tell you the truth, I hardly notice any difference unless I go below 70% quality)

Keep on macmusicmaking

Écrit par : bodo mer. 8 mars 2006, 11:59

Gotta mention Tom Erbe's Sound Hack

Écrit par : Kestral dim. 14 mai 2006, 20:36


Alphakanal's free AU synth plugin Automat:

And yes, Crystal is one of my top 3 favorite plugin synths (free or otherwise).

Écrit par : arvidtp lun. 15 mai 2006, 01:28

I really like the blockfish compressor at Its super nice.

But beware in Logic - it doesnt clear its buffer when logic stops, so it sometimes pops or clicks when you start the song again after having played it and stopped in the middle.

Écrit par : jcdelapena lun. 15 mai 2006, 03:59

yeah those digitalfishphones are great, use 'em on every mix,Vinyl by Izotope is a neat toy . Does annyone know of a free pre amp like the psp vintage warmer, the motu pre amp doesn't seem to rock as much.

Écrit par : Concert-Systems ven. 30 nov. 2007, 12:38

just thought i would pop a little comment on and say hi

quite new to this you see

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