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440 Forums _ Open Bar _ Songwriters Blues

Écrit par : Presto ven. 2 août 2002, 11:29

Help. I've lost inspiration. I feel dumb even though I'm a musical genius (hum!!!). I tend to avoid the problem by dealing with technical issues but that doesn't help if there's nothing worth technicalling.

What do you do to get over it? Tell me I'm not the only one.

Écrit par : kaboombahchuck ven. 2 août 2002, 12:49

It happens to the best of us. sad.gif for alot of thought on the subject. cool.gif

Écrit par : add9 ven. 2 août 2002, 13:26

smile.gif When that happens to me, I go for a long walk.
It clears my mind and always help biggrin.gif

Écrit par : Presto ven. 2 août 2002, 16:15

Thanks folks. I had laze in the garden, then a bath. Went to sleep in it and nearly choked.Had a good cough and got at least that blockage dealt with.

Started reading that link - there's loads. Oof, I was wondering about a much shorter drought.

Well, maybe its not a drought, just a sunny day in fact.

You're great!!!

Écrit par : mccaymoran ven. 2 août 2002, 21:11

This may sound strange but for me I think I'm always "processing" songs (subconsciously?) while in a writer's block! Often I'll go a month or more without writing anything then pen 12 or more songs in a week or two.

Also: when I'm in the studio and under pressure to compose quickly I'll often times begin humming a melody of another song (either one of mine or maybe a blatant rip off of somebody elses!) then start improvising on that theme not unlike a jazz musician would do--modifying the melody and/or chord structure and/or timing. In no time at all I might not even recognize the original song! Add a bridge...lyrics...viola! a new song! I've written some of my best (and worst) songs this way wink.gif



Écrit par : lepetitmartien sam. 3 août 2002, 03:43

Subconcious can be at rest a long time, then pop like never into consciousness with loads of new stuff.

But psychologically aside…

Have you ever tried the oblique strategies of Brian Eno ?

Even if it doesn't lead you somewhere, it makes you think on something different than you curent problem

Écrit par : Presto jeu. 8 août 2002, 21:09

smile.gif Thanks a load. And great links! You are all right of course.

Still, are we the only English speakers on here with the problem?

Écrit par : lepetitmartien ven. 9 août 2002, 02:20

I forgot, the Eno strategies are available as cards, there's a site on the net, but I don't have the address… rolleyes.gif

Écrit par : prutulz ven. 30 août 2002, 13:16

Having a walk or reading a (non-technical) book often solves this for me.

Écrit par : dgoHn mar. 10 sept. 2002, 15:30

usually, just doing something else helps.
i'm hardly ever not sat at my mac doin' some tune, just 'cos i can't help it - but i always take breaks - so i don't go totally loony. blink.gif

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