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440 Forums _ Software on MacOS 9 _ Dual Boot Os 9 / Os 10 - Problems With Logic ?

Écrit par : zaaresh lun. 11 févr. 2008, 17:54

Hi ,

i once read a thread here that having 2 systems on one G4 could make behave the PPC "crazily"... unsure.gif

well: 1.issue would be, that when selecting OS X (OS 10.4.11) as "starting system" in the OS 9.2.2 menu , the computer starts to boot but will not start up until i reset and press ALT+ Apple+ P+ R to reset the parameter RAM. then the OS X boots correctly. is there another possibility in order to avoid the PRAM reset?
(booting on OS 9 from OS X works well)

2.issue: My old version of Logic 4.8.1 will load correctly but when i select either the VST instruments OR even the internal e-magic plug-ins as platinum reverbs or delays the whole thing crashes and i have to reset the computer ... anyone an idea? i tried to reinstall the progs and VST instr. but it won´t work...

thanks for helping!


Écrit par : zaaresh jeu. 14 févr. 2008, 15:52

... glad if anyone could help!
i´m stuck with audio only recording... gmmpfff!

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