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440 Forums _ Software on MacOS 9 _ Dp3 Install Problems On Dual G4

Écrit par : mustech mar. 20 août 2002, 18:34

Any reason that none of the install CDs I have of DP 3 will install on 2002 QuickSilver Dual 1Ghz G4. I get an alert that neither 80GB HD has enough disk space?



Écrit par : Yukulele mar. 20 août 2002, 22:10

Easy ;-)

Trty the "custom installation", and deselect the extras (for example, i heard deselecting any of one of the options should work), install.

Then launch the installer again, and then install only the extras (or the option you deselect previously, also in custom mode).

This should work, let us know.


Écrit par : mustech mer. 21 août 2002, 03:07

That did it!

I appreciate the quick response.



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